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A couple of Doctor Who candle sconces I made for my favorite Whovian; my wife. I wanted some silhouettes of her 2 favorite Doctors against the outline of the Tardis.  I had a tough time figuring out the design for below the shelf.  I thought of something geometric that mimics the Tardis, but that was too repetitive.  My favorite episode is where they meet Van Gough.  So I tried to some flowing swirls from Van Gough's Stary Night (and Exploding Tardis painting), but that didn't translate very well.  Some of my favorite episodes took place in 19th Century England, so I thought some Victorian fretwork would work really well.  Steve Good had a candle sconce/shelf that I liked (called Small Shelf here), so I took the Victorian fretwork from that pattern, but added my Doctor Who design to the top.  So this is a mashup of several ideas and patterns; mixed and matched to get a unique design.  My wife was thrilled when she saw them.  I even added a couple of Police Box candles for the final touches.  Doctor3Dgl.gif




Ahhhh Dr's 10 and 11 if I am not mistaken.  Showed them to the Whovian in my family, my husband and he thought that they where great.  I just showed him the photos and didn't say what they were but he picked them straight away. 



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