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Does anyone know of a really cool group or individual holiday donation project that's going on?  We're looking to feature stories about clubs making ornaments for hospital Christmas trees or toys for donation to an orphanages etc. Perhaps someone has donated a nativity scene to a church or otherwise gone above and beyond with a scroll saw to help make the holidays more meaningful for others. If you know of a club or person involved in something like this, we'd love to hear about it.  



This is Kathleen.  She's a writer for Scroll Saw Woodworking & Crafts.  She's the one who wrote the nice article about SSV's Ornaments For Charity.  Welcome, Kathleen.  :thumbs:




I know a scroller who can scroll in a kilt which is a novelty.  :lol: Roly     Sorry couldn't resist it Rob.

It's OK Roly, quite comfortable, but ohhh the dust goes where dust shouldn't go. I could always do the party piece. Do a handstand. How's that for a Table Lamp. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol: .

Rob Roy.


I believe that not only do some of the people contribute to the 'ornaments for charity' here in The Village" but many of us contribute some of our work as gifts to non profit organizations on an individual basis. It is a fun thing to help people raise money for a good cause that really helps them with their fund raisers while making a contribution that cost us mainly our time and little money..





I just delivered a piece to The Sheep program. It is for thier fund raising dinner to help support them. This is actually a yearly thing for me. They are affiliated with a local church that supplys free medical and some medicines to patients, free to the patients. This is what I delivered this evening to them. They should a nice price for it on a silent auction.



There are many many wood working clubs that make toys for children's hospitals.  If you do a search for some and email them I am sure you will get replies.  I am the president of a small club here in Texas (Lubbock woodworkers club) that makes and gives out 4000-5000 toys every year to local hospitals and The Salvation Army.


  Here is a small example of the kind of people that are members of The Village. The members here are not only talented but more than that, they are giving and share their talents with many others. One of the the great things about scrolling is the  material cost is not high but the results of the labor are attractive and fun to give to others.




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