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Potato Bin

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This is what I'm working on now. The lady who gave me the table saw kept hinting that she wanted a potato bin. I figured that after her giving me a saw that was practically new and retailed for over $500,a potato bin was the least I could do. I didn't have any plans for this one, so it is being designed in my head as I go. The only thing that makes it scroll saw related I think though is that I'm going to scroll "TATERS" for the top door, and "ONIONS" for the bottom door.

I snapped these photos yesterday just before staining. After the stain dries, I'll have to reinstall the hinges and doors, drill holes in the back for vents, and do the words on it.

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I've actually made a few of these long before I got into scrolling. Yes, they have to have good ventilation. I don't like the wire mesh that some people use though. I mark off a grid on the back. I put a line every three inches vertically and horizontally. Then where ech line intestects, I drill a 3/8 hole.

I stained this one dark walnut. That's another thing I've learned if anyone plans on making one of these and staining them. You can stain the outside. Try not to get any stain on the inside though. If you do, make sure it is very little. If there is much stain on the inside, no matter how long you allow it to dry, the taste of the stain somehow leaches into the potatoes.

The lettering on this is made of oak. The patterns were made using the Scrollsaw Pattern Printer that can be downloaded for free from Steve Goode's Scrollsaw Workshop site.

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Greasemonkey that turned out awesome...........a really nice piece of art for the kitchen! I wished I lived closer to you, I'd have you make me a smaller version. We only have 3 in our family and don't use many potatoes.

Thanks for the tip on staining them too. I actually never gave a thought to staining the inside. But it makes sense that the taste would get in the potatoes. Thanks for sharing your work with us again.........I always enjoy seeing it! Your friend is going to absolutely love it!


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