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I don't know if they make one ,but on these portraits there are alot of teny tiny holes,and if there was a roto zip plunge type drill press set up it would save alot of time threading blades and such.the roto zip would have to lock down so you could steer with both hands and then unlock for the next hole. sounds safe and feezable to me.Maybe i'll concoct one an give it a shot.With the high speeds a roto zip abtains it should leave the work piece sand and burr free.Kind of cheating to do scrolling ,but what ever gets the check and saves time sounds good to me ,I don't know if the bits are small enough but dremil has 1/8 shank taperd down to about nothing .Maybe this is a better mouse trap of an idea.Edison had an uidea and tryed thousands of ways to make a light .this sounds alot simpler to me.i see one of the companys that sends me mail has a simaler idea to drill holes in wood thats small and light and very manuverable.I is a much needed item for the kind of work that has to be done .when i remember who has that one i post it.Iv'e done portraites in oilsw/brush and with an airbrush so i'm interested in trying to scroll one .Sir your first scrolled portait is DYNOMITE i like it .looks proffesional. :):):)

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