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Terry you might want to look to sell on ETSY.Com.  You will reach more folks than you might first realize.  My sales have been around the world this last year.  It might take a little time to get interest in your work but the cost is low.  I think it would be worth your while to check it out.






Very nicely done sign!

Good luck!

In my neighborhood-- the hoa-- will not permit that kind of sign at all. they even growled at some people that had a company logo on a work vehicle that it had to be garaged overnight! B.S. -- but hoa's are hoa's.


I did try etsy with very poor results but some people do well on it!


I have a Craig'slist ad almost always and do only fair; but that is free!


Going to start selling my craft out of my house That well cut my cost on the craft show and gas.So I made this sign up,see what happensattachicon.gifDSC03218.JPG

wELL NOW THEY KNOW WHAT YOU DO & WHERE TO FIND YOU,Could be a turn in the right direction.When you advertise thousands if not more see your work. :)


Terry I wish you all the Luck you can handle.I do sell some out of my shop.My Wife post my work on different Yardsale sites on the web. Then people contact me thru my Buss,card.I really hope you do Great. :thumbs: :thumbs:


Hi Terry,hang tough with it..I had a good day at the  market yesterday for a change.

Even at thatI wasn't all excited.Before it was over a gent came to my table who has

a gift store in a town close by.He asked if I would sell on consignment and I said no

to that,so he said he will buy outright from me...This might be worth a look into for you

at some shops near you.


I have at Etsy store too, but I'm not very good at keeping up with it, so it doesn't do great. I also have a Facebook business page that does really well (I just share it on my private Facebook as a public post and it went from there.) and I also sometimes post on yard sale sites.

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