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Breast Cancer

Steve Curtis

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I take issue with this piece, just because you survived, doesn't mean that anyone else can survive.. I know of people who fought their hardest, and they didn't survive. How will you feel if you gift this, and the person who you gifted it to does dies? When it comes to cancer, there's no two cases exactly alike and the treatments differ. I presently have three BILs that are suffering from three different types of it, they all just found out in the last three months. Two of them can be treated with good results from the treatments expected, but, not the third one. They only gave Joe three months if he went without the treatments,but, if he takes the treatment he'll possibly get 11mths to a year max. I'm sorry for being so negative about this, but it's how I feel. When it comes to cancer, you should never tell a person what they can do. My SIL died years ago, and on her deathbed she stated that she did all she could do, and she couldn't figure out why she had to die. She hated to be told that she will be alright, especially after she knew for a fact that there was nothing else that could be done for her and that she was going to die. Sorry about the rant, but, I've lost a few people to cancer. I think of poor sweet Debbie every time I see or hear a statement like this, and of how cross it made her.


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Very nice project Steve..

I think it delivers a message that cancer sometimes can be beaten.

I think too,when we see these ribbons etc.,they send out a

message to the population that we have to fight like crazy to conquer

this terrible disease.I truly have faith that someday they will finally

find a cure.

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