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Does any body know which saws have the vice type of blade holders .they work very good with spiral blades with out hammering them flat.Thumb screws tend to let the blade walk out as you tighten them.With Very thin blades this is compounded.please and thankyou!One of the old deltas had it ,called a quick release.Problem i had with it to was if you tighten it to tight ,as you saw it explodes open and your on the floor looking for the micro spring and such.Nothings perfect.Itryed the very fine blades and love the results,but thumb screws are a pain with fine blades.i'm open for suggestions.Thats one of the things i did not like about the dw788 i looked at.I did'nt see any oil holes on the dw788 either.?Changeing the bottom blade seemed very hard to as i exzamined the dw788.thanks bye


Kevin: I've never had the problem with the 788 , but now I'm an odd duck for I thread my work though the top blade > now it works for me and I've been told that I'm doing it wrong > but what ever works { Right } . And as far as oil holes , don't worry about them > it will take care of itself :thumbs: .Thumb screws holders work just fine for me > One more thing to try if you having trouble with the blades comeing out of the blade holder loosen up on the tension some and maybe slow your feed speed down and slow you push rate down to and try this sometimes you just have too play with it till you find you groove point . And the vise holder not sure about that holder ,don't like spiral blades tryed them and they are not for me { hate them } . I'm no expert but been scrolling for over 13 years now ...............Marshall :D


My favortie saw for spirals is my cheap Delta. It has the Quickclamp II system. It is not without problems though. For starters, from the factory, you ae correct, it will fly apart on you if you overtighten it. First thing I do to it is to do away with the plastic thumbnut that you get your initial setting with. I drill out the holes on both halves of the chuck. I grind a machine screw head flat so it fits into the left side of the check. On the other side I install a wingnut. I do all tbhis because I do overtighten mine. I run my blade tensio tighter than neccessary. Because of this, the blades have to be chucked VERY tight. If you do happen to loose the chuck spring, which I have on one of my Deltas, you can easily replace it. Take a click type ball point pin. Tkae the sping out of it and chop it about halfway in two with a pair of wirecutters. Use one half of the spring in your blade chuck. It's not as strong as the original spring, but all that spring does is hold the clamp together when the quick clamp lever is open.


As for hammering the spirals flat, there are several options for that. One is to order flat end blades. I don't do that myself because I just didn't have good luck with them and I'm sticking with what I know works. Beside my saw I keep a pair of regular pliers and a pair of needlenose pliers. Grasp the blade about three quarters of an inch from the top with the tip of the needlenose. Grasp the very top of the blade with the regular pliers. Now give a firm twist with the regular pliers in the opposite direction of the blade twist. If your eyes are as bad as mine, now you have to hold it towards the light to see if its flat enough now. If not, twist a little more. With very little practice, you can straighten blades without even looking at them. I do this only to the top. I've never had a problem with the bottom slipping out of the clamp.


As for oil holes, I agree that most saws are built with maintenance in mind. About once a month, I take my Delta apart to grease the pivot points on my saw arms. Its a pain, but I have to make these saws last as long as possible. I've done it enough now that the whole process takes me about fifteen minutes.



On a similar note, I've got to order myself a new aftermarket Quickclamp II upper chuck. I have two Deltas. One I keep back for a backup for when the other one breaks down. Well, the one mounted to the table right now started having problems with the chuck lever staying put. I took it apart. The right side chuck piece has a groove wore into it from so much use tightening the lever. I wound up having to take parts from the two saw's upper clamps to make one good clamp.


Hey thanks guys you are quick on the switch around here.This will be a combo ,MARSHALL,GREASEMONKEY thing!lol Now the spiral blade thing the way i see it is alot like fishin. there's two kinds of fisherman.Freshwater and salt water. I have never seen the two mix . your either one or the other!, from what iv'e seen .There's allways exception but i think this is the norm.Which is probably the same for spiral and straight blades .You love them or hate them.Personally i hate them .I have less than 5 minutes practice time so thats part of the problem .It was a misserable 5 minutes to say the least .It's got to grow on you with practice i'm sure. I want my blades to go exactly where i want and the spirals and me have a problem there .I like to cut fast and with a tight blade ,no wander aloud here.spirals as marshall says you need to slow down a bit.I think if i do a puzzel i might get the hang of it put thats in the future.(near).You villagers really set an example for try to do your best at what your doing and it shows .The stuff you'all are turning out boggles my mind .It really makes me want to do better and better so i can be a big dog o :) and come off the porch once in a while and woof and howl at what i did lol.

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