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Making Marvelous wooden puzzles by Saburo Oguro Correction


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My bad: put the wrong title down: It is "Making Marvelous wooden puzzles".  Sorry for the confusion.



Not sure where to post this one.  Am trying to find this book that was published by Fox Chapel publishing a few years ago. The Title is Making Marvelous Wooden Puzzles by Saburo Oguro.  It is not available anywhere. Has a bunch of very interesting patterns in it.  If anyone has it and is willing to sell it or knows where it can be found I would love to know about it.

This fellow created some really great and fun looking patterns.  One place said you can order it from Amazon Japan but I have no idea how that works or even where to start.

Thanks for any help anyone can give me.



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Try here Jim.




Not sure if they have it as they do not talk quantity on hand.  Amazon is out period.  You might wish to get a hold of Fox Chapel Publishing and see if they have any left or if they are going to do a reprint.  Customer Service: 1-800-457-9112 Hours 8:30-5:00 EST



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Thanks for the tips, tried the book search place and they are out of stock and no more coming in. Spoke to Fox Chapel and they have none.  Check scroll saw supplies like WTB and Scroller, and Meisel Hardware and no luck.  Checked libraries and not luck there either.

May start a search of old book stores in Los Angeles and see what I come up with. 

Know anyone in Japan who might be able to look there?  Just kidding.




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Jim, if you can get the ISBN# for this book, your library will be able to get it for you from another library if it's out there. I do it all the time, when I want to check the contents of a book out. It's a free service, and you just borrow the book like you usually would.


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