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DW 788 issues

NC Scroller

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I am blessed to own several scroll saws.  The other week my favorite Dw788 blew the fuse.  Put in a new fuse and the same results.  Tried a slightly big fuse and pop.  I am a kinda handy guy but not an electrical engineer.  I can ready a meter.  I need help determining the issues.  I am guessing it is the motor or the circuit board. Any one have suggestions on how and what to test.  


For the record I got this Model 1 in a yard sale 5 years ago.  It had never been used and i paid $125.  The saw now has lot of hours so it really does not own me anything but stll I really like how it cuts. 

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Could maybe have a wire that is not fastened well or has come out of a holder keeping it in place and caused the wire to rub against a moving part and could have worn away a part of insulation on the wire causing it to short out. Just another idea to look for. A meter wil show if there is a short in any specific wire. Good luck




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