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Very well done.  That is a pattern I have, or one similar, that I hope to get to someday.  Mine is for a picture, not stand alone.  I like what you did.  I would put a clear finish on it.  Mainly because it makes it a little easier to remove dust. 


I was thinking about putting a couple of coats of poly on it. That's what most of my stuff have on them. I'm debating whether to hang it or make a stand for it. Have to think about that one. Roly, that's not wall paper behind it. I have it on a table cloth.


Hi everyone. Looking for a little imput on how to finish this piece that I just finished cutting. I already have a black back ground but I'm wondering how I should finish the front. Not sure whether to leave it natural or stain it . Any ideas out there. Thanks, Ralph.

I like  the look of amber shellac.I nice picture book picture from a book behind it from the library showing a war scene would be cool as a quick photo shot


Nice cutting Ralph, I agree with what most other replies have suggested you do to finish it. Just use some sort of a clear coat poly/varnish finish, I don't think that something like this piece needs any color added to it. But, that's just my opinion.



I'm sitting here agreeing with all of the suggestions which probably means I don't have a clue on my own.    :oops:  :roll:  :shock:   Looks good though Ralph.  :thumbs: :thumbs:




Ralph, I would leave it natural and like Koehlers idea of coloring the flag if you use a black background as you said you were going to use. If you use a picture background I would take into consideration if the background is light, then stain it dark for contrast or you'll lose your image; and of course, if the background is a dark one leave it light. However, if you use a night backdrop (really like this one..) (possible nightfall or beginning of daybreak or with fireworks) color the flag (again) and leave it natural with just a clear finish. There. There's my nickels worth since it's obviously more than two cents worth lol


Great cutting and I will leave the finish and display up to you.  You did a wonderful job on the cutting so i know you will do a super job on the rest of it anyway you want it to look.  Thanks for showing it to us.



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