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💝 Valentine's Day Custom Ornament Business Kit - 30% Off Through Feb 14! ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ×



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Just finished these up this afternoon - first time I've posted pictures on this site - hope it works .....

Patterns are put together from work by Sue Mey, Sheila Landry and my own hacking around with the backing pieces.

Backing pieces are Elm (one Striped Elm and one stained White Elm) and Maple - White Elm and Maple are "Rescue" wood from old - really old - school desks - old guys (like me) will remember the desks with ink wells in the corner .....

Crosses are Baltic Birch.

Christ figures are Walnut (2) and Maple Burl (1) - first time working with Maple Burl - really like it - finish effect is terrific.

Comments welcome.




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Exceptional !i like


Just finished these up this afternoon - first time I've posted pictures on this site - hope it works .....

Patterns are put together from work by Sue Mey, Sheila Landry and my own hacking around with the backing pieces.

Backing pieces are Elm (one Striped Elm and one stained White Elm) and Maple - White Elm and Maple are "Rescue" wood from old - really old - school desks - old guys (like me) will remember the desks with ink wells in the corner .....

Crosses are Baltic Birch.

Christ figures are Walnut (2) and Maple Burl (1) - first time working with Maple Burl - really like it - finish effect is terrific.

Comments welcome.




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Hi Jay, It was a good year 1950! I remember going to a school with a desk and the ink well's and the blotting

paper! I have to say your work is AWESOME! to use an American phrase, You really put that would to good

use, And hey Man! great scrolling skill's  :thumbs: , Way to go DUDE! Am I waffling?

Thank you for showing, Bob ;)  :thumbs:  :thumbs:  :thumbs:  :thumbs:  :thumbs:  

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Thanks so much for all of your kind words.


First - a very humble apology - I do love cutting from the patterns of both Sheila Landry and Sue Mey but in this case I got the source of the patterns wrong - so - with genuine apologies to the both of them ...... the cuttings came from Wildwood designs - the Christ figure is pattern # 1476 and the Cross is pattern #62243 ...... guess I really need to bite the bullet and do a serious clean up the filing system for my patterns ...... sorry about that.


The church "window" design is taken from images that turned up in a Google search.


These pieces are not that big - about 10" tall and they are not that hard to cut - all you need is a little patience.  The inside cuts on the Christ figure are cut with 2/0 flat blade.  The inside cuts of the Cross are cut with a #1 and  2/0 spirals.


The biggest lesson I learned on this project is that Maple Burl is a lot easier to cut than I would have imagined - a good thing - but - when cutting thin stock you really need to be careful or the swirly grains of the burl will take the blade in places you really don't want to be ..... and ...... no matter how gentle you are ...... a sanding mop is simply not a good idea ...... the original idea was that all the Christ figures would be from the Maple Burl ..... only one survived the sanding mop ..... you'd think I would have learned after the first one broke up .....


Thanks again,




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Hi Jay, would you happen to have the link to the church window design. I tried finding it but had no luck. I found the other two patterns. Also, did you stack cut any of those. Thanks, Ralph.


For the church window I just did a google search titled "Church Windows" - there are lots that come up but the one I used can be found here:




I printed the picture in black and white but it did not exactly print in even proportions - maybe the picture was taken at a bit of an angle - so I ended up reproducing it in a line drawing made with pencil and ruler and that worked out fine.


Yes - I stack cut the Christ figure as well as the Cross.  Christ figure is about 3/16th inch and the Cross is 1/8 Baltic Birch.


Hope this helps.




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Hi Jay. I printed out the window but like you said, it didn't print out to good. It looks a lot smaller then the patterns I ordered. I'm not to good with drawing. Would you happen to have a copy of your finished pattern for the window. Thanks, Ralph.

Edited by rdatelle
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