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This is my first vase I did, it was a pattern from Steve Good. I learned a lot with it.  The second is not from a scroll saw but my band saw. It's the first I tried  and learned a lot with it too. My question is, how much do you sand?  If you sand too much there is to much space between it.  If you don't it doesn't look very good. On the inside that is. I messed this one up but a friend really likes it so I'll give it to him.  I have four more I'm working on and just needed some input. comments welcome.




I hope the vase is counter weighted and the box could be snugged up with felt under the drawers .Both are exceptional work from you!Just a little tweeting will make them picture perfect!You've done a good job here DAN! Doesn't look like there was any other way to do it,so no mistakes were made.


This is my first vase I did, it was a pattern from Steve Good. I learned a lot with it.  The second is not from a scroll saw but my band saw. It's the first I tried  and learned a lot with it too. My question is, how much do you sand?  If you sand too much there is to much space between it.  If you don't it doesn't look very good. On the inside that is. I messed this one up but a friend really likes it so I'll give it to him.  I have four more I'm working on and just needed some input. comments welcome.

How much do you sand.. the vase is easy.... until you are satisfied that it is smooth enough.   The bandsaw box s much harder.  The kerf tends to be rougher and bigger so if you get too aggressive you can get gaping clearances, not enough and you have blade marks.  For me anyway my goal would be to get the blade marks out while keeping the gap around the drawers even.  The inside of the drawers are easier as they do not show as much however if you do most of your sanding of the drawers inside before you put the front and back on it will be MUCH easier.  Practice will help a lot.




I love your band saw box.  I had the chance of getting a DVD on band saw boxes a few years ago and I decided not to get it then I would get it at the next wood show.  Yeah you guessed it, never seen it since.  :curse:   I love the wood you chose, I really love dark woods, it makes thing look more elegant.  Oh I like the vase too by the way.  :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:




Thank you, I like the idea of felt too. I didn't even think about it.  You can find free patters on the internet or just free hand your own. It is pretty easy and if you mess it up while cutting you can free hand it a little too.  I messed one up last night and needed a smaller 1/4" blade.  I'm gonna try some using old pine before I go to solid wood so I don't waste anymore. I need more practice.

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