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Great job on those. Those drawers look pretty hard to do. What size and thickness are they.

Each letter is a full A4 size and each one has four layers of 18mm ply. I had to make them in two sections so they will fit in s roll saw then glue them together.


I don't see how you can walk away from a craft show taking any of these home with you.They are hotter than a fox in a forest fire good,GREAT!You've created a better mouse trap so to speak with an innovative unique design!attachicon.giflaughing to bank.jpg

Thank you Kevin, sadly we don't have many craft shows over here.


Thank you Kevin, sadly we don't have many craft shows over here.

Andrew, all you have to do, is to rent a hall and then advertise a craft sale. Of course you'd have to have other craftsman and women to participate, but that is just another matter of advertising that your looking for people to sell their goods. You could even make some extra money off of the sale by charging just a bit more than it takes to pay for the hall rental. Your work is spot on, I can see these being good sellers. Thanks for sharing them with us.



Andrew, all you have to do, is to rent a hall and then advertise a craft sale. Of course you'd have to have other craftsman and women to participate, but that is just another matter of advertising that your looking for people to sell their goods. You could even make some extra money off of the sale by charging just a bit more than it takes to pay for the hall rental. Your work is spot on, I can see these being good sellers. Thanks for sharing them with us.Len

Thanks for the advice will look into it

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