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I've had a few people tell me that im making grave idol images in wood.Before i ever took this good paying scroll saw job i asked the lady if these are on the dark side so to speak.I don't remember the exact words but It was more explicit.Me  being a christian one of the 10 commandments was not to worship or make idols.I can't believe anybody would believe in these small wood items to have any value ,BUT maybe.It' my bread and butter every month and will hurt to stop making them.What is you humble opinions please.Here's the lastest she just had me make .Her store has prescious stones,beads ,necklasses,rings,stone eggs,egyptian items, etc.I don't see any goolish, devilish type things in there?post-1607-0-46099500-1439767041_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-19827400-1439767087_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-55669300-1439767101_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-82162500-1439767125_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-32744500-1439767158_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-69271500-1439767205_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-03248800-1439767258_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-55760300-1439767357_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-41949400-1439767412_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-96140400-1439767470_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-96680500-1439767489_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-20869600-1439767551_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-80187600-1439767574_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-30437700-1439767596_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-18974200-1439767631_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-98252000-1439767662_thumb.jpg


Well Kevin,I can't seeanything out of the way to me.Kind of

resembles some zodiac symbols.

You aren't honouring some other God by making these.

Sounds likeshe runs a craft store and these are crafts

Only devilish thing I see there is you lol  joking of course


Kevin, also being a Christian I would ask the same question. In my opinion what you are making are symbols representing other faiths. There is not a single symbol that represents Christianity. Its true you don't worship these items, however others do. As a Christian we understand that these can be idols to others, so you will have to decide what you should do. Doing a quick search there are 8 references in the Old Testament and 5 in the New testament about idols and making them. May God give you wisdom.




The accepted religious beliefs of most modern religions is tolerance and acceptance of another's beliefs.  Who is qualified to say that what they believe is not just another aspect of the Lord that you believe in.  Just because someone says that it is a graven image does not meant that it is.  For instance the Ankh symbol is an Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph which represents the hieroglyph ´nh (ankh) meaning "life" or "breath of life". The glyph appears in an incredible number of inscriptions and was often used as a decorative device. So how is that a graven image?  Attacking something that is not understood is common in religion(s) around the world.  Not doing anything wrong as far as I know and understand.




I value DW's and larry comments greatly thanks!



The accepted religious beliefs of most modern religions is tolerance and acceptance of another's beliefs.  Who is qualified to say that what they believe is not just another aspect of the Lord that you believe in.  Just because someone says that it is a graven image does not meant that it is.  For instance the Ankh symbol is an Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph which represents the hieroglyph ´nh (ankh) meaning "life" or "breath of life". The glyph appears in an incredible number of inscriptions and was often used as a decorative device. So how is that a graven image?  Attacking something that is not understood is common in religion(s) around the world.  Not doing anything wrong as far as I know and understand.






  I think you are asking the wrong people. I will tell you that I see nothing wrong with anything that you are making but if you are really in doubt ask God. It has been my experience that he will let you know in no uncertain terms if you are doing wrong.




  I think you are asking the wrong people. I will tell you that I see nothing wrong with anything that you are making but if you are really in doubt ask God. It has been my experience that he will let you know in no uncertain terms if you are doing wrong.


Kevin, I don't see anything sacrilegious, or wrong with any of these cuttings. And, if they are symbols of worship for other people, what's wrong with making them? Especially, if it brings people closer to the one they worship.


They seem to be safe i googled them ,Thanks! ;) ;) ;)

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