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some new cuttings


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Had a craft show and got some requests for word signs.  Here are a couple of them.  The 4 names are 3 inch lettering.  The Swan House is on a blank from WalnutHollow.com (800-395-5995). They have some great wood blanks available.

Cats welcome is a pattern one of our members did and I got a big kick out of it since I have a lady who comes to this show every year and always asks about cat items so I made it for her. She loved it.






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Had a craft show and got some requests for word signs.  Here are a couple of them.  The 4 names are 3 inch lettering.  The Swan House is on a blank from WalnutHollow.com (800-395-5995). They have some great wood blanks available.

Cats welcome is a pattern one of our members did and I got a big kick out of it since I have a lady who comes to this show every year and always asks about cat items so I made it for her. She loved it.



Is this all that was in the craft show?Beautiful  workmanship! ;) ;) ;)

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Those are super Jim, and well done on another successful craft show. The 'cat lady' would have been chuffed you remembered her!!

Thanks, LarB, not sure on chuffed but think you must mean pleased.  Got to be an Australian word, we got some different one's here in the US also.

Fun to see the way we all say stuff.



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Hey Jim...you are correct - chuffed = pleased, stoked, thrilled etc.  Do you guys over there say 'stoked' for when you're pleased as punch?!!

I'm not sure about an Aussie word, have heard it in southern Africa, not sure about the Southern Americas or Kiwis (New Zealanders)...could be a southern hemisphere thing :?  I agree though, it is fun...imagine a global dictionary :lol: perhaps we'd better not!!!

Wouldn't mind learning some US words though ;)

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Hey Jim...you are correct - chuffed = pleased, stoked, thrilled etc.  Do you guys over there say 'stoked' for when you're pleased as punch?!!

I'm not sure about an Aussie word, have heard it in southern Africa, not sure about the Southern Americas or Kiwis (New Zealanders)...could be a southern hemisphere thing :?  I agree though, it is fun...imagine a global dictionary :lol: perhaps we'd better not!!!

Wouldn't mind learning some US words though ;)

Thanks for clearing up the source on Chuffed, or am I more confused now. Love it.  Live in Southern California and have not heard "stocked" for a long time.  Got to think it is not used much any more. Not sure a global dictionary would work but it would have to be on the web no way could you print something like that it would be to heavy to handle I would think.

Let me know if you got any US words or sayings you need help with I can try and clear up.  If I can't I am sure our 2 daughters can help.


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