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I just saw a video on finishing and it talked about BLO. They said to wait 5 days after applying it to do final finish because the final finish will not adhere if the BLO is not completely dry. I have never used BLO  so I am just passing on the info I saw. 





I use BLO on all of my scroll saw projects but I mix it 50/50 with mineral spirits. The thinned mix flows faster and more evenly around the project, but more importantly, it drys a lot faster. Here in So. California, usually in 24 hours or so.

I use BLO on all of my scroll saw projects but I mix it 50/50 with mineral spirits. The thinned mix flows faster and more evenly around the project, but more importantly, it drys a lot faster. Here in So. California, usually in 24 hours or so.

You are the best! I'm so sorry i never thought of keeping track of tips and tricks for the scroller .But everyday in the village fills a lot of that gap!Here's another great tip you gave us! .Thank you so much.I'm not as careful as i should be letting the carcinogenic mineral spirits touch my skin as i should be. It just takes so much time to get the gloves that feel like leather on you ,no sensitivity,this BLO is going to save my pocket book now that i have a   

6' x 2" x 2" cabinet chock full of stains and 6 or 7 new full gallons of BLO to work with.Also i have a 4' wide 7' tall wall shelve again full of artist paints .If only i could find a helper we could rock an knock out some beautiful work for donations, charity's ,fundraisers and craft shows.SSV has been my life blood of finally getting some real satisfaction out of doing something ,and something i love too!I've learned so so much about computers reading posts   here,My spellings improved using the spell check as it checks my printing,Lots of wood working ideas that helps put food on the table i never had and still don't have one ,Amazing!But best of all is all the friends i've made!!!!!!!

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