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Nothing beats early morning peace and quiet with fresh coffee.  No, it wasn't me.  I wish.  4x6 and only 47 pieces.  A good memory for my daughter of her fam's vacation.  More to come. 


Dennis,I think you did this puzzle free hand as you go.I mean each and every puzzle piece looks like it was designed as you cut, no pattern at all. You really have to be a sharp cookie to do it like that! Wait till you try a dollar bill puzzle with 52 piece's ,lol You did real good here.I use two kinds of glue on my puzzles,water base and oil base water based to put the picture on the wood and oil base to hold the pattern on .That way when i try to take off the patter the mineral spirits won't touch the water based glue holding the picture on.My first puzzles i had that problem of the picture coming off with the pattern ,lol Live  an learn,lol I'm like DW never been a coffee drinker only once in a while.Thanks for showing your skills in puzzle cuttings !

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