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Just a couple of quick projects.The letters spell swim or sink.I've no idea why they want these but he pays,lol The stand up figurine goes with the "Your a super star" That's the girl that gets the super star!                                                                 post-1607-0-79455100-1441238792_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-70746900-1441238810_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-96431400-1441238840_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-28162500-1441238860_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-99779000-1441238877_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-36736500-1441238898_thumb.jpg


very nice.. wish I could do a "couple of quick projects" like that.

That's right nice of you to say that Ward.Try putting a saddle on a bench in front of your scroll saw and you'll feel right at home,just kidding but every little bit helps.Lassoo that saw pardner!I'd just as soon do high detail quick projects than spend all day on one piece .Creature comforts!!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


That 788 shines like a yellow ...uhh  ... well, it ain't rusty for sure.

Nuther good job AK

This saw is way past due for a nice yella dog paint scheme.The Kia's yellow,and i do have some more paint to roll  .I just might do that!Your right it bdoes shine like a dusty work horse,lol Thank you LarryEA! :) :) :) :) :) :) :)


Sink or Swim :huh: Haven't seen that phrase in some time.Top Notch job Kevin. :thumbs: :thumbs:

I love it Bobby, i goggled it and your right, It's a very famous saying,I'm going to use it  myself now! When your at the bottom of the barrel in life you either have to sink or swim out of the situation :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:


Your the man on those letters kevin.

I've done so many but not enough ,When i have down time i get out of the swing of things and i don't like having to relearn the skills.I used to rip through project wide open but no more .Thanks Ralph.well over 4000 projects since 2004 :) :) :) :) :) :) :)


I see your shop is geared up to go! go! go! and get a scrolling along Kevin LOL!

Doing great work! Thank you for the photo's, Bob  ;)  :thumbs:  :thumbs:  :thumbs:  :thumbs:  :thumbs:

The shop is crammed again .I try to keep things close so i don't have to get up ,just reach over and get the wood.I sad about the drill press being out of reach now ,i still need to organize but being on my feet hurts me bad.Not so much my feetas my legs and hip.Come on over and we'll have a clean up party  and take some wood home!Thanks BOB! ;) ;) ;) ;)



Great job Kevin, now the question is:
How comfortable work with your machine into this position? :cool:  :cool:  :cool:  :thumbs:  :thumbs:  :thumbs:  :thumbs:  :?:  :?:


Francisco ,it's the best having the saw angled like this ,if fact i want it angled more ,but am to lazy to change it.I'd really like a saw that can change positions readily manually.Guess i'll have to design the cart to do that.Thanks.The bangles help you keep your back straight ,less back pain.It's up a foot in the back. :)


HAA HAA Kevin try WD40 it's easier to keep the rust off. Good work Roly

Funny you would say that You've no idea how many cans of wd40 i have that i can't find.I had a bathroom window that would not open for nothing .I was abe to get good leverage with tools and still it would not budge. I sprayed (soaked) it down with wd40 Let it stand over night and tried the crank the next day .You would have thought it was brand new window .Absolutely not any resistance at all opening it .amazing stuff,they say  transmission fluid is even better? :)


Funny you would say that You've no idea how many cans of wd40 i have that i can't find.I had a bathroom window that would not open for nothing .I was abe to get good leverage with tools and still it would not budge. I sprayed (soaked) it down with wd40 Let it stand over night and tried the crank the next day .You would have thought it was brand new window .Absolutely not any resistance at all opening it .amazing stuff,they say  transmission fluid is even better? :)

Yep good stuff here's pdf with 2000 uses from there site,might be handy for everyone. http://wd40.com/files/wd40-2000.pdf




Yep good stuff here's pdf with 2000 uses from there site,might be handy for everyone. http://wd40.com/files/wd40-2000.pdf



Roly that makes for real interesting reading ,all 10 pages of it .I had to down load it as i couldn't break loose from reading it right  now I have project to  do!Thanks ,already i see lots of things i'm going to use it on! :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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