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Unzipped it then installed it twice and restarted inkscape. Have installed other fonts and know you have to restart a program for it to see it. It is just not there. Thought there might be something I have to do in inkscape for it to be seen. :x:cry:


Is it in a zip folder? If it is you will have to extract the files out of it first, Then follow what you have to do on your computer to put it where you want it, Is this advice any good to you, Bob  ;)

Tried no help but that is the way I installed it first...really frustrating. thanks


Don't you just hate that,Time heals all wounds,It's something simple but to find out what errrr!

Ain't that the truth! Probably something so simple I will feel like an idiot when the err is found. LOL :lol:


What version of Inkscape are you using? You could try and download the latest version and installing it, if you already have the latest version of Inkscape try a uninstall and reinstall.


What version of Inkscape are you using? You could try and download the latest version and installing it, if you already have the latest version of Inkscape try a uninstall and reinstall.

Uninstalled .91 then restarted computer reinstalled same problem


Hi Falcon.  I have that font installed and working in Inkscape so it should work.  I'm not sure why it doesn't appear for you but I wonder if there is a limit on the number of fonts Inkscape can handle?  Can you try installing another font and see what happens?

Just a suggestion to try,



Hi Falcon.  I have that font installed and working in Inkscape so it should work.  I'm not sure why it doesn't appear for you but I wonder if there is a limit on the number of fonts Inkscape can handle?  Can you try installing another font and see what happens?

Just a suggestion to try,


Just installed 2 other fonts from dafont.com both showed up in inkscape.


Thanks for all you help. Does not make sense but will tell you what I did. Renamed font in windows font directory then inkscape saw it but all letters were squares. Deleted font, restarted computer again, reinstalled birds of paradise and walla it is working go figure. I don't get it but it works and me HAPPY now. :cool::D:);):lol:

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