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$139.00 pen drill


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I have my eye on it now too!I need to sell something but what.The land lands having the insurance company come to look over the property. This could be the end of my out side shop ,plus the insides of my efficiency is loaded too.I'm way to hurt to do much about it at this time .The insides is organized but the outsides need some tidying up .God only know what they want.Maybe if i hang 3 fire extinguishers around i might buy some time???Whos got money to waste on them???Maybe if i cover things up ????Maybe one of our members is an insurance estimated and can give me a heads up ???

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I'll be surprised if it drills 10" once you have drill in and a piece of scrap underneath Kev. as for insurance do you think someone has set you up and called them or was it your landlord requested it. Roly

Yeah it's the  psycho  neighbor again,The tenant in my house is a jerk in the mornings,5 6 7 8 in the mornings  he's slamming scaffolds in the trailer or truck and could care less that people are still asleep.The police have been here way  to many times as they drink all night long with the boom box blaring none English.( people live in the house and the doors slamming on the house and cars and trucks non stop .They bring it on them self's .I found out the land lady's going to evict them this month.

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Kevin, this is a 10" drill press, but that doesn't mean that you can drill a hole 10" deep. The depth that you would probably be able to drill with this particular drill press is about three inches, maybe four. The way they usually report the size of a drill press, is two times the distance from the face of main post to the center tip of the chuck closed. I don't know why they size them this way, but, that's how they do it.


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Yeah it's the  psycho  neighbor again,The tenant in my house is a jerk in the mornings,5 6 7 8 in the mornings  he's slamming scaffolds in the trailer or truck and could care less that people are still asleep.The police have been here way  to many times as they drink all night long with the boom box blaring none English.( people live in the house and the doors slamming on the house and cars and trucks non stop .They bring it on them self's .I found out the land lady's going to evict them this month.

Well at least there a chance of nice neighbours to come Kev. Roly

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Kevin, this is a 10" drill press, but that doesn't mean that you can drill a hole 10" deep. The depth that you would probably be able to drill with this particular drill press is about three inches, maybe four. The way they usually report the size of a drill press, is two times the distance from the face of main post to the center tip of the chuck closed. I don't know why they size them this way, but, that's how they do it.



Len is correct.


What you want to look at is "spindle travel" or "quill travel" to determine the depth of hole that can be drilled.  This saw has only a 2" quill travel, from what I can determine.

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I have my eye on it now too!I need to sell something but what.The land lands having the insurance company come to look over the property. This could be the end of my out side shop ,plus the insides of my efficiency is loaded too.I'm way to hurt to do much about it at this time .The insides is organized but the outsides need some tidying up .God only know what they want.Maybe if i hang 3 fire extinguishers around i might buy some time???Whos got money to waste on them???Maybe if i cover things up ????Maybe one of our members is an insurance estimated and can give me a heads up ???

I know what you mean about having to sell something to buy something Kevin. I need an HDD for my laptop so I have to sell my Xbox system. Kinda like, "robbing peter to pay paul"!

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Kevin, this is a 10" drill press, but that doesn't mean that you can drill a hole 10" deep. The depth that you would probably be able to drill with this particular drill press is about three inches, maybe four. The way they usually report the size of a drill press, is two times the distance from the face of main post to the center tip of the chuck closed. I don't know why they size them this way, but, that's how they do it.


I figured as much but you can  use a longer drill bit and keep raising up the table till you drill a 6 " deep hole.Seems like bit's possible?

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I have the same drill press It does the job in our line of hobby. I don't think that I paid that much for it but it is worth it. Hay DW I have one in my Sholom which is 8X10. also have a 10 in table saw. When i want  to use the table saw I push the Scroll saw back into its hole and pull out the table saw. A the end of the day I put my lawn mower in the shed for the night, it's how you have your shop lied out. I also have a 28 in X 7 ft. work bench.

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I have the same drill press It does the job in our line of hobby. I don't think that I paid that much for it but it is worth it. Hay DW I have one in my Sholom which is 8X10. also have a 10 in table saw. When i want  to use the table saw I push the Scroll saw back into its hole and pull out the table saw. A the end of the day I put my lawn mower in the shed for the night, it's how you have your shop lied out. I also have a 28 in X 7 ft. work bench.

Sounds like a fire hazard with the gasoline in there?

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