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Bees Wax Finish


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I read an article a little while back about using a Bee's wax finish on toys. I think the reason they used it is because it was a natural/non-toxic finish. But what I really liked about it is that it really gave a cool luminosity to it. But I haven't heard of a bees wax finish. The only use for bees wax I've heard of is for candles. Is it a finish you get in the paint supply section with the furniture wax? Do you have to special order it? Or do yo suppose they're actually taking bars of bees wax to rub onto the wood? Have you heard of this? :?:

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Yes I have heard of it, although I had no idea how it was accomplished. But I read a thread on this on the Fox Chapel forum...


"Beeswax does produce a nice finish, although it is not in the least bit durable.


When we finished items using beeswax, we'd always seal it first with a coat or two of shellac.


Then melt your beeswax with a small amount of turps.

Apply it with steel wool and buff off.


It must be buffed really well, so as to prevent dust etc sticking to it and will require repeated applications every so often so as to retain it's lustre."


Many of the members also said that they prefer to use the spray on shellac. I hope this helps.


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