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Flying Dutchman Blades


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I use FD blades exclusively.  I use mainly the Ultra reverse in all sizes.  The only time a break a blade is when I know I have pushed too hard in a turn or done something stupid.  Note: the UR blades have a little bump at the top of the blade.


I just finished a box done with hard maple and African mahogany (#3) and was so smooth that I didn't really have to sand.


The old web site works and the last time I ordered it came to Canada it 5 days for $3 shipping



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I am going to have to order some blades here soon.The last gross I had ordered to say teh least has been well bad.breaking way too soon.I have been hearing about these Flying Dutchman Blades. How many here use them? And are they as good as the Hype.

My friend, you will hear alot of good and bad about blade suppliers.Take it from one that use's flying dutchman exclusively.I've heard that the dutchman's are to aggressive,I'm an aggressive scroller so were to peas in a pod.Yes i've broken his blades but it's always my fault.I'm sure the blades are excellent steel super hard steel which breaks very easy so you need kids gloves using them threading thu projects.I've gone hours and hours on a blade so they are very strong blades cutting wise.I worked at Briggs an stratton in milw. as a die cast inspector. the die was super hard and and sharp or hard touch with a casting would shatter them like glass.verry expensive too.I more the highly recommend the blades to you .but now that you know about the hardness you'll be ok. ;)

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Hey Boby, I use both FD and Olson blades. Of the FD blades, I use mostly the Ultra Reverse blades, but also use the polar blades for compound projects and New Sprials for portraits.

It's important to know that the UR blades are a lot more agresive than standard blades, but because of that, they leave a clean, smooth edge, and last about 50% longer than most blades. The UR blades do not come in 2/0, which I us a lot of. I have not had any luck cutting with any FD 2/0 blades, so I use Olson reverse tooth 2/0 blades, and when I want a less agresive blade, I use Olson Reverse Tooth blades.

When I teach classes at Woodcraft, I use Olson Skip Tooth blades, mainly because they are not too agresive and they are available at the store fo the students to buy.

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I used to use FD blades exclusively but I believe the blade quality has deteriorated in recent years.


Whereas I was able to cut wooden puzzles from very hard woods (cherry, walnut, padauk, etc} with the FD#5 and FD#5ultra, the blades will not do the job today.


So I switched to Pegas Modified Geometry blades and have been extremely pleased!!!!!!!!!!


The only FD blade I use today is the FD puzzle blade; it works well on 1/4" Baltic Birch plywood.

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FD here,too. ultra reverse and flat end spirals mainly. have tried quite a few of the varieties of FD but the penguins and settled on these.

i did run into a problem with the spirals breaking real quick on me. i hadnt used them in a long time,remembered i had the problem before, and it took a little time for me to remember i had to slow the saw speed down a bit.

Edited by tomsteve
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I've cut most everything form red oak 1 1/2 thick to 1/8 baltic birch ply. Absoulty love the Flying Dutchman blades. Discovered them about 15 years ago if memory serves me, I've settled on the polar ones, I use the 2/0, 5, and 9's they're all I've needed for the past several years.

Heck, I've even cut thru 1/8 metel with them !



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