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Multifasited raising from the depths !


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Over six months ago Major ,health issues beset me,one after another in a contineous cycle ! Wobbling heart ,pace maker-defibulator then Lung cancer Kemo -and radiation ,major reactions ,cateracts one removed one this week ,Cancer scans crystal clear final radiation next week prognosis great effects waining ,not a happy topic ,never spent such misery every day in my life ,Copd has not helped either .I have not been on computer since till yester day 6435 e-mails to work thru ,have missed everybody back soon saw has also been I dle cateracts visibility shot upall at once in the chain .missed you all back soon ,Carl

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Geez Carl, you have been having it tough. You should have mentioned something, not that we could do anything for you. Other than to offer up prayers, which is a big help for some people. Hang in there, and please don't be such a stranger, we are all interested in what's going on with our fellow members.


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Over six months ago Major ,health issues beset me,one after another in a contineous cycle ! Wobbling heart ,pace maker-defibulator then Lung cancer Kemo -and radiation ,major reactions ,cateracts one removed one this week ,Cancer scans crystal clear final radiation next week prognosis great effects waining ,not a happy topic ,never spent such misery every day in my life ,Copd has not helped either .I have not been on computer since till yester day 6435 e-mails to work thru ,have missed everybody back soon saw has also been I dle cateracts visibility shot upall at once in the chain .missed you all back soon ,Carl

Carl, Now that you've been thru the mill you'll have plenty of planks to make smaller.I'm getting close to the end over here ,gaining weight daily ,stress from losing my place and tools soon,Blood pressure pills their giving me can cause sudden heart attack, same deal for the pills their giving me for a new one tendentious of the left hand.noway i can open a door knob.Your ailments were real serious ,life threatening one's .Your very lucky to have beat the odd's.Glasd to have you back,i knew there were a few missing here.Well your shop stayed dustless as always.Lots of nerw members loaded with great talent now,Welcome back friend! ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

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OH Carl thats terrible.  I was wondering where you had gotten to.  You should have come and told us we would have tried to keep your spirits up, remember you ARE part of our family.  I hope everything is on the up stroke for you now, come back soon.



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Welcome back Carl, my prayers are with you, God knows that you have had your share of Health problems, Stay strong and keep a positive outlook as you have already beaten the odds. May God Bless you and guide you through these troubled times.



Edited by campasano
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Over six months ago Major ,health issues beset me,one after another in a continuous cycle ! Wobbling heart ,pace maker-defibrillator then Lung cancer Chemo -and radiation ,major reactions ,cataracts one removed one this week ,Cancer scans crystal clear final radiation next week prognosis great effects waiting ,not a happy topic ,never spent such misery every day in my life ,COPD has not helped either .I have not been on computer since till yesterday 6435 e-mails to work thru ,have missed everybody back soon saw has also been  idle cataracts visibility shot up all at once in the chain .missed you all back soon ,Carl

It just dawned on me that you said you've been under the weather 6 months.Wow! how time fly's.How ya doing on catching up on e-mails.I guess you were in no condition to use a laptop in the hospital. :oops:

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