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New to scroll sawing, had a question about the Skil 3335


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I just bought a cheap scroll saw while at lowes one day and actually really enjoy it so far, my only question is it seems like my blade is not 90 degrees to the saw (meaning it seems like all blades seem a bit bent). I don't know if it is something I've done or not, has anyone had this model and ran into this problem? I have bought replacement blades and they aren't lining up right either, so I would assume it's not the blades.

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If you don't have a small protractor like above or a small square, use a credit card or a debit card to see if your blade is 90° to the table on either side of the blade. If not, look in you instruction booklet on how to adjust the table.

Also it is important to have proper tension on the blade. It needs to have a high "plink" when you pluck the blade like a guitar string. If it clunks, it is not tight enough. Again, refer to the manual on how to adjust the tension

By the way, welcome to the Village!

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I just bought a cheap scroll saw while at lowes one day and actually really enjoy it so far, my only question is it seems like my blade is not 90 degrees to the saw (meaning it seems like all blades seem a bit bent). I don't know if it is something I've done or not, has anyone had this model and ran into this problem? I have bought replacement blades and they aren't lining up right either, so I would assume it's not the blades.

Stand the credit card on edge and put next to the blade ,touching it.Make what ever adjustments you need so the table on the saw can make the blade square to the credit card.Google squareing the scroll saw blade 

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Easiest way I know to check the table - blade for 90 is cut a line in a piece of wood. Flip that same piece over and see if lines up to the back of the blade. Personally I use a 2" square to check and set mine but this method works great when you don't have the square. The thicker the block the better, make sure your tension is set properly to avoid deflection.

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Hi Dreklie,


For a good many years, I used a Performax brand. It appears that they are not sold under that name anymore, but it was identical to your Skil. Your top and bottom blade holders are attached to the arms with a cap screw. Put a vice grip on the top clamp and twist it sideways to align the blade. When you again see the blade dancing sideways, realign the top clamp.


To see what can be done with your saw, check my July 27 posting. The reason I erroneously called it a Skil is because few people ever heard of a Performax.





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