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Posted (edited)

Hello,  I'm from Birmingham in the UK and although I am very much a novice on the scrollsaw, I though I would join to pick up a few tips from the experts across the pond.  Only have a modest 16" saw but looking to change for a Hegner or Excalubur if I can.



Edited by Malcolm161

Malcolm, Glad to have you. There is lifetime of learning here. 

Just to let you know, there are 'Experts' on your side of the pond too and World Wide.

A big scrolling family where if you don't know something, it's because you didn't ask.

Until you get that "Heg', make a pile of sawdust. :D


Hello,  I'm from Birmingham in the UK and although I am very much a novice on the scrollsaw, I though I would join to pitch up a few tips from the experts across the pond.  Only have a modest 16" saw but looking to change for a Hegner if I can.



You've found home here friend,You'll make lots of helpful friend shortly,Welcome! ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)


Welcome to the Village Malcolm.  I'm Marg from Australia but I was born and bred in West Bromwich.  Now pull up a chair and make yourself at home.


Marg  :cool:  :bday:


Hi Guys & Gals,  thanks for the great welcome to the forum. I have recently been offered a Hegner Multicut SE, but it is from 1994 and although in very good condition and variable speed, it has no quick release, which I was looking for. It was bought by the owner in Germany, who lives in Scotland and makes musical instruments such as Violin, Viola and Base and has always been in his shop.  The pictures he has sent look OK, but I think he is asking a bit much at £350.  Need ton check with Hegner in the New Year when they are back after the holidays to see if it can be alrered and updated, then think if I want that or wait for something more modern. New prices over here are more than I really want to spend, but I do need a better scrll saw as the old Record 16 SSSD was part of a bulk purchase of uised tools. Its OK, but only just..


Once I get the hang of this site I can post photos Hegner%20Multicut%20SE%201994%20R.jpg?dl  which I hope I have.  When I see one of these little boxes on messages, how do I open it to see the image?


Hi Marg, West Bromwich has changed somewhat over the years, but everywhere does. Birmingham City centre is always a mess and never really 'quite right'


Now the one thing I need to know is how come you have all the good weather over there with high temperatured in NY, which is usually covered in snow about now I believe?


I am waiting to get my bandsaw fixed in the new year, I think the motor has gone, but the guarantee has supplied a new one to be fitted irst week of the new year. |It is a real pain as I am in the middle of 4 more bandsaw boxes with some new designs and had hoped to be showing them before Christmas. Cant grumble though as I sold 5 in December and although it doesn't really make money, it helps to replenish timber.


All for now guys, will be looking further into the forum and will be trying Intarsia in the New Year.


Hope you all had a good Christmas and trust that the New Year will be good for you all,






Hi Malcolm.

I think it is a little too much for a hegner at that age and without quick release.

I bought mine earlier this year secondhand. It's a 1998 model and according to the lady her father used it a couple of times and then it went into its box and never saw daylight until she decided to sell. It did look unused. I paid £350 but it does have a quick release and spare blade holders. Her father was also a violin maker.


I think that something used on a regular basis for twenty-one years is going to start needing new parts.


On the picture question. When you see that blue box with ?. I think it means that the original pic that was posted has now been removed by the poster.


Welcome to this great forum. ðŸ‘


Hello Malcolm and welcome to the village, Thank you for the intro, I remember going to Birmingham in a truck and stopped to ask the way to a place....next thing I heard a loud horn...it was a tram driver waving me to move!!!, It's too big is Birmingham! LOL,

See you later, Bob ;)  :thumbs:  


Malcom,  I sure enjoy all the people in Europe that have joined our wold wide family. I think you will do really fine here as you obviously are not afraid to post and that is how we get to know you and you understand quickly what it is to be 'family' here. Explore everything you can find here as it is a full blown web site full of surprises. If you want to post a photo, you just click on the tab that is located on the bottom right side, just below the window you write your posts in, ( it says 'More Reply Options") on it. Then another window will open under your post and you click on the button that says ("choose files"). pick a photo you wish to post from your computer, high light it and click ('open) and it will load to your post. then on the new window that shows under your posting window Then post it and the attachment will be there. I did that with a segmented and painted piece that I did this past summer to show you that is works..Hope this helps







Hi Marg, West Bromwich has changed somewhat over the years, but everywhere does. Birmingham City centre is always a mess and never really 'quite right'

We were there 3 years ago and we were shocked how much West Brom had changed.  We went to Birmingham and thankfully we were with people that knew their way around otherwise we would still be there.  It was Jubilee time and there were flags everywhere even the bull at the Bullring had a Union Jack waistcoat on.  I have photos to prove it.  :lol:   Hope you had a great Christmas and I hope you have a Very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year.


Marg  :bday:

  • 2 weeks later...

hi malcom,

welcome,you will find lots of tips and help here on the forum,also some great work,

im from ireland,but ive been here on the forum for a while ,folks here are realy helpful.

i use a 18 inch hegner,i find it too be a great machine

Thanks Tony,  Only just developing an interest inscrollwork as I am very taken with intarsia and want to have a go at that. Need a new scrollsaw as mine is inherited old Record 16 and would like a used variable Hegner ot an Excalibur 21.




Malcolm, Glad to have you. There is lifetime of learning here. 

Just to let you know, there are 'Experts' on your side of the pond too and World Wide.

A big scrolling family where if you don't know something, it's because you didn't ask.

Until you get that "Heg', make a pile of sawdust. :D

Thank you Larry, Im more of an interested scroller at present as I need a better scrollsaw to make Intarsia rather than  the general art work of scrolling.  Nedd a better saw - Hegner or Excalibur to get moving. Just been making bandsaw boxes for the last 2 years.



You've found home here friend,You'll make lots of helpful friend shortly,Welcome! ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

Thanks for your welcome.  Fort Lauderdale was one of the first places we stayed when starting our visits to the USA and really love Florida.  Only starting scrolling to make Intarsia and need a better saw - Hegner or Excalibur 21.




Welcome to the Village Malcolm.  I'm Marg from Australia but I was born and bred in West Bromwich.  Now pull up a chair and make yourself at home.


Marg  :cool:  :bday:

Hiya Marge, I know West Brom and live just the other side of Birmingham in Wythall.  Only starting scrollsaw work to get into Intarsia as I think that is wonderful. I have been making bandsaw boxes for the last 2 years since retiring 5 years ago and love it, but a ne challenge is always interesting. Happy New Year to you over there.



welcome to the forum Malcolm I'm also mew to scroll saws and from the UK. seems like a good bunch on here and very helpfull

Hi Pete, just joined to see what this forum is up to. Interested in scrolling mainly to get into Intarsia. I have been making bandsaw boxes for the last2 years since starting woodwork and it's great fun. I am also a member on UKworkshop.co.uk, which also has a good scroll section, so pay a visit.



Malcom,  I sure enjoy all the people in Europe that have joined our wold wide family. I think you will do really fine here as you obviously are not afraid to post and that is how we get to know you and you understand quickly what it is to be 'family' here. Explore everything you can find here as it is a full blown web site full of surprises. If you want to post a photo, you just click on the tab that is located on the bottom right side, just below the window you write your posts in, ( it says 'More Reply Options") on it. Then another window will open under your post and you click on the button that says ("choose files"). pick a photo you wish to post from your computer, high light it and click ('open) and it will load to your post. then on the new window that shows under your posting window Then post it and the attachment will be there. I did that with a segmented and painted piece that I did this past summer to show you that is works..Hope this helps




Hiya Dick, thanks again for the welcome. My interest so far has been in bandsaw boxes, which I started making 2 years ago when I took up woodworking. I now like the idea of scrolling to make Intarsia, so will give that a go once I get a better saw. My inherited REcoird 16 needs replacing with either a variable Hegner or Excalibur 21, but 'as used' if possible as new prices are rather high.




Hiya Dick, thanks again for the welcome. My interest so far has been in bandsaw boxes, which I started making 2 years ago when I took up woodworking. I now like the idea of scrolling to make Intarsia, so will give that a go once I get a better saw. My inherited REcoird 16 needs replacing with either a variable Hegner or Excalibur 21, but 'as used' if possible as new prices are rather high.




I thought you might find my next statement rather interesting. I started my decorative woodworking on my bandsaw. I made myself a simple pattern just to see if I could do intarsia. I have no skill in woodworking at all. I had nearly even used my bandsaw so I was not even very good with it. I put on a 1/4 inch blade ( not sure you can relate to that measurement as I know you use the metric system instead of the inch and feet measurements) I carefully cut out my pattern and then used sand paper to sand the cut pieces so they had no gaps. I would sand the highs out and hold it up to the light to make sure no more light was coming through the joining pieces and what do you know, they finally matched up I found that I could actually make an intarsia piece. I felt quite proud of myself and immediately made myself another pattern and cut it. There was no looking back from there. I thine bought myself a cheep scroll saw and used it for about 2 years before I got tired of continually buying parts and replacing them. The cheap saw helped me to produce a fairly large amount of intarsia pieces and even made me some money for supplies.

If you would like me to, I can send you a copy of a very easy intarsia piece to help you get started. I have found through the years that starting with simple patterns brings myself some satisfaction. After feeling a little more comfortable with things, I then challenge myself to try something more challenging. That way I don't experience too many disappointments as I go along





Thanks for your reply Dick. Thats a nice story and it's always good to have a challenge.


We have a fair number of people over here who do scrollsaw work and Intarsia, so I have people I can call on if necessary.  I have purchased the book 'Intarsia woodworking for Beginners' by Kathy Wise and it gives several patterns for beginner to slightly more advanced levels.  No problem with the inches and feet as that is what I learned originally and even though the UK has gone metric, many people still think in imperial measurements according to their agr group. I'm from the older set, so I think that way.


I'm looking for a better scrollsaw at present and although I will still keep making my boxes, the Intarsia may also become another part of my small retirement hobby/business.  Not sure if you are aware of the web site that is used mainly over here - UKWorkshop.co.uk and if you havent visited it, you may find some interest there.


All the best to you.



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