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Wolf and cross


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I have had the pattern for the wolf  for awhile, my brother gave me the perfect piece of wood to do it. The pattern is in our library and done by Seyit Tokat from Turkey.  The cross Steve Good did around Christmas, I liked it so much I jumped on it.

Quality work, very quality work on the wolf!

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That wolf is outstanding.  Great selection of wood for it.  Sometimes we see a piece of wood and know what we want to cut on it.  Great marriage of wood and wolf.  Got the Merry Christmas cross from Steve also.  Did not get to it in time for this year but hope to get it next go around.  Thanks for sharing you cuttings with us.



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There you go again, doing a fabulous job with your skills. I too took a look at the Christmas cross of Steve Good's and every time I go to his pag e I wonder how anyone person can imagine and make so many patterns. What blade did you use to cut the wolf and how thick is this wood ? I am curious because it looks like the perfect spiral blade pattern. Thanks for posting it and giving us all encouragement about always doing the best job we can on every project we tackle.




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