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What kind of scrolling?


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What kind of scrolling do you typically do? I know most of us dabble in a bit of everything, but we tend to gravitate back to a certain type of project. Do you do mostly portraits? Intarsia? Compound Cutting? Puzzles? Decorative items? I know I find myself making lots of simple cars for my son and to give away. I also do a lot of portrait style cuttings. H'bout you?

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As someone else said, PUZZLES...why? They are easy, lots of room for 'mistakes', fast, and people really like them. I was showing a picture to a lady at work of the giraffes from last months magazine, and she said she would really like one. So, I sat down, and in less than 1.5 hours, had the best set I've done so far. When I gave them to her, she almost cried!! That was cool, and easy, and most importantly, FUN!!



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I'd have to say I do a variety but I really enjoy doing the puzzles I'm doing now. When I had to take almost 6 months away from the shop I came back with a new vigor and focus. I really enjoy giving puzzles to friends neighbors and the hospitals in the area. Especially the cancer care house and radiation oncology. I suppose in time I'll be trying something new but for now it's puzzles.


I have my own website that generates just enough sales to keep me busy and pay for new toys/tools and materials. http://www.woodnthingsworkshop.com/

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I do mostly portraits, people and cars are my favorites. When my soc. sec./va dis. ever gets approved, I will get some more equip., band-saw and a router, and start making my own frames and boxes. My goal this next year is to learn pattern-making, and some intarsia. Got a few ideas for some killer intarsia car patterns.



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I mostly like to make toys , with wheels !!!!

but i just enjoy scrolling in general ,

I have just made a few "reindeer & sleighs" for a local charity shop,

I thought i'd posted a few of my bits in the User gallery,so you can see what i do in my spare time :huh:

------------Frank ,In the UK--------

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I am an all around scroller but like the fret work clocks both large and desk type. I also am a turner and trying to incorporate both artforms together. This year I wat to try my hand at an intarsia project. Have never done one but I have one I want to give a shot at. Will see. Scrolling and turning are fun hobbies and you really can get alot of enjoyment out of both.

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I do make a lot of portraits but just about anything fretwork. The more intricate the better. But I do have to fall back on some of the easier cuttings to make any money at shows. The intricate cuttings do not sell fast enough to make it worthwhile to tie up all of my time in them so I mostly make them for myself or as orders. Steve

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I find myself doing puzzles. I like solving puzzles so I guess that is a fit. I thought I was going to be doing more Fret work. Now that winter is here I'm on my winter break. It is way too cold outside in my shed to do anything. I don't mind the heat we get here but I can't stand the cold :(. Once we warm up I'll go back out and start again :)

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