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I have been using a 50/50 mix as a dipping finish of BLO and MS for a long time.  I read that some use an equal part mix of BLO/MS/Polyurethane.  I assume that this mix would give better protection to the wood. 


Question: If I want a gloss finish, will adding a gloss poly to the BLO mix get me there?

An other suggestions for a gloss finish?


In summer, I spray a couple of coats of rattle can poly on my projects in my garage and that works, but Wisconsin winter temps rule that our between October and April.  My shop in is the basement next to my gas water heater, and family members have asthma, so any inside spraying is not an option.





Jim, I can not answer your questions, I would suspect that it would not yield a high gloss because the poly would be greatly diluted.  Certainly be worth a try though, say on some scrap pieces.  I will watch this thread and hope for a good answer.  It would eliminate a step in the finish process.


The 3 part mix (MS/BLO/POLY) does provide a "hard" or protective finish.  Depending on how glossy a finish or how protective a finish (items handled a lot) you will need to give it multiple coats.  A better solution is to give the first coat the 3 part mix and then a follow on coat or two of MS/Poly mixed 50/50.  This 50/50 mix if pretty much what wipe on poly is.

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