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scrolling may be limited


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Just got dis charged from the Hospital tonight scrolling may be limited, after knee replacement last year, looks like I will have a shoulder replacement, had the sharpest pain I ever experienced on Tuesday, will be going for a MRI next week, just can't catch a break, not looking forward to it.  edward


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Ya, getting old is certainly not for wimps!  Seems like something is always wearing out, hurting or no longer functions.  Hope you don't have to go through a replacement, but it is pretty darn great that now days they can replace some things.  The alternative is constant pain and no function.

Edited by Scrappile
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sorry to hear about having to slow down again. I go for knee replacement on the 11th. Not sure I am ready but i need to move without pain. Had rotator cuff surgery a few years ago went pretty well. Not a replacement but definitely your will not be using that arm if they need to do it for a while. Like with the knee slow and easy and do what they tell you to.

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Sorry to hear of your troubles Edward.   I'm not far below your age and I think I know how you feel.   My dad lived to be 91 and he used to say,"this getting old stuff ain't for sissies".   Boy how true.   Well hopefully there will be some brighter days ahead.   I'll be pulling for ya.  

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Nah, you will just be slowed down a bit, until you figure out how to scroll saw with one hand. It isn't easy, but I've had to do it. A foot switch is a good beginning. A forked "hold down" handle helps too. Frequent stops to re-position the hold down, some frequent use of the foot switch, and an hour or two to get used to doing it this way are all that's needed. Replacing the blade will likely be the most difficult, but even that can be done one handed with some practice and a piece of masking tape or blue tape.  


Down time from physical disabilities is when I seem to get the most scroll sawing done. They want you to sit and not do anything, but watching daytime TV is the pits. The last time (last Summer) that they told me to sit and not do anything for a week, I lasted about 1/2 hour in front of the TV, then went out to the shop and sat in front of my scroll saw for the whole week. I tell everyone that I'm bionic now, because I've had so many repairs and replacements. Three heart surgeries, numerous broken bones, two knee replacements, and I've survived cancer 2 times. I'm still going, but I'm not quite as fast as I once was.


Getting old is hell, but I don't like the alternative.  


Hang in there. You'll figure out how to saw with just one hand if the alternative for you is watching daytime TV. Actually, watching night time TV isn't much better any more, so I usually watch very little TV, just the news and the Weather. It gives me more time to work in the shop. I have always figured out a "work around" whenever some part of my body needed a rest and you can too.



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Just got dis charged from the Hospital tonight scrolling may be limited, after knee replacement last year, looks like I will have a shoulder replacement, had the sharpest pain I ever experienced on Tuesday, will be going for a MRI next week, just can't catch a break, not looking forward to it.  edward

I'm sure there's more to come.

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