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This is the first inlay I have tried. I spent a lot of time on this site reading all of the comment you all made about inlaying before I attempted it. Without you all it would have been hard. I used Maple and Walnut. One thing I am disappointed in is the star does not appear centered in the circle. I used Inkscape for my pattern. When I centered the star in the circle the program puts a square around the star. Since the star is an odd shape that doesn't work well.  I should have just eye balled it or made another circle just the right size to touch all the points of the star and then centered that. Learn something every day.


It measures about 6" in diameter and about 3" tall.  Next time I will either make the cylinder section shorter or cut it in pieces and then glue them up. It is about 2 3/8" and was really tough to cut.


I have become addicted to scrolling in a very short time.  If I had to quit for some reason I would definitely get the shakes and go through withdraw.





Dave you are really doing great with this scrolling.  I think you did an awesome job of inlaying.  The fit and finish is outstanding.  Sorry the star is a hair off, but lesson learned and that is a good thing. 


Wow, what a beauty! Like Paul said, fit and finish are great. That must have been a bear to cut. I agree, cut thinner and stack them next time. You could even slide a thin piece of walnut between the two halves for accent.


This is the first inlay I have tried. I spent a lot of time on this site reading all of the comment you all made about inlaying before I attempted it. Without you all it would have been hard. I used Maple and Walnut. One thing I am disappointed in is the star does not appear centered in the circle. I used Inkscape for my pattern. When I centered the star in the circle the program puts a square around the star. Since the star is an odd shape that doesn't work well.  I should have just eye balled it or made another circle just the right size to touch all the points of the star and then centered that. Learn something every day.


It measures about 6" in diameter and about 3" tall.  Next time I will either make the cylinder section shorter or cut it in pieces and then glue them up. It is about 2 3/8" and was really tough to cut.


I have become addicted to scrolling in a very short time.  If I had to quit for some reason I would definitely get the shakes and go through withdraw.


Your a quick learner and excelled quickly! Beautiful work here! :cool:


Love it Dave, you did great...Beautiful finish.

as for the star, they sometimes have a mind of their own.

you center it and it still seems off a bit.best to eyeball it I think.

superb job all around.


You have come a long way in a short time Dave.  Give yourself a pat on the back.  This is a marvelous piece, you did an excellent job on the pattern and the cutting and just remember we live and learn. :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:



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