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Blackheart Sassafras from Tasmania. I love darker woods and this looks lovely once its been finished.  Decided to have it on my dining room floor when the carpet has seen better days.




I purchase lemon oil at the grocery store and it is not cheap, but brings out the color in the wood.  I now have access to all of the poplar i want. I get it in 2 0r 3 X 6 or 8 inches. I would be great if I lived by someone and could trade woods. I like black Walnut, as my favorite wood because of the color and the smooth cutting with a scroll saw. 





I like free wood. My grand son works in a saw mill and I get a lot of cured pieces. I get lots of walnut , cherry , and oak, I also get some pre inspected ash. The only problem is that they are green, I have to let them air  dry for a year before I can use them. I just pained down 27 feet  of walnut, mostly to 1/2 ' .When I buy wood I usually but popular.. But Free is best


I have to ask what is aromatic cedar! I use a lot of Western Red Cedar and Yellow Cedar have not heard of aromatic cedar. I also use douglas fir, hemlock, alder,maple and pine working in a sawmill it's always free just have dry and plane.


Posted (edited)



I have to ask what is aromatic cedar! I use a lot of Western Red Cedar and Yellow Cedar have not heard of aromatic cedar. I also use douglas fir, hemlock, alder,maple and pine working in a sawmill it's always free just have dry and plane.

Try again..........Stu, I call it Virginia cedar.... use it to make 'cedar chests'


Juniperus virginiana - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Edited by LarryEA

I like Eastern Red Cedar. (Aromatic)  It is soft enough to cut, plane, and sand, easily. I use it to make boxes with images inlaid into the hinged lids. One of the reasons they sell well it the smell of the inside of these boxes.  Beautiful grain and color and not too expensive.


I use so many it's hard to pick one. If I had to it would be ambrosia maple followed closely by walnut. because with the streaking worm holes in the maple it is just unique. walnut is just a nice wood, with different shades and sometimes interesting grain. But I like using all kinds of woods.

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