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Posted (edited)

Nice work Kevin.roughly what are the size of those plaques? Thanks for sharing

Hi Todd ,i made these are subsequent ones larger ,i have no rhyme or reason for doing so ,Just wanted to try it Coffee was 14" x 9"

Edited by amazingkevin

Yes Kevin you have it bad this addiction to scrolling, :D  Excellent work. How's that shop looking now? ;) Roly

h Roly ,the shops  taking hold and scrolling projects are getting easyer to do  with machines accessable to make them small to cut.drill press is a roll away from the scroll saw,band saw a rollaway from the scroll saw and table saw the same.Setting up  a paint station with filters ,fans.setting up a dremil station  a sanding station chop saw station It will be a 25" walk in the park to have use of all the machines i have .God made it better than i could have imagined !


Holy Moly - what you do in a day I'd be hard pressed to do in a week (or more) - you gotta get someone to take a video of you cutting .....then post it ..... put the rest of us to shame (at least me ....)




Holy Moly - what you do in a day I'd be hard pressed to do in a week (or more) - you gotta get someone to take a video of you cutting .....then post it ..... put the rest of us to shame (at least me ....)



Thanks Mr.Jay I've tried video's but i need refining,lol


Nicely done Kevin, each piece look great. Will you be adding color to any of them, or, just going to clearcoat?


Thank you Len, I have boxes of intersecting word art from Bob scroll patterns i never found time to do anything with .I deffinetly need a quick and easy dunk and dry process ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)


Hi Kevin great work, is it just my eyes or is there something wrong with the word pronounce in the husband and wife plaque, and there is two &'s also

These patterns i get sometimes i really have took to make sure it's on the up and up.This is one i had problems with from the start.It was too big and both haves didn't math up correctly.Looks like i should have spent a little more time investigating.Good of you to catch it for me!

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