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Last time I did this was more than 2 years ago


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1. Maybe the Nice People on this site could take up a collection and buy Dan a new blade. I hate to see a fellow scroller sadly sitting in front of a saw, with nothing to do, because of a broken blade.


2. Dan Buddy, Have you considered setting up a "GO FUND ME" page. There are a lot of good people in the world that help people through hard times.


Remember Friend, "This too shall Pass."



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I think I change blades too often. I don't scroll everyday but have done quite a bit over the years.


Jerry, you're too busy creating patterns to make dust. You can just send me your blades. Lol

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The way I figure is if I'm just going to throw a dull blade  away anyway I don't care how many pieces the blade is in. LOL   Just kidding!   I hate the surprise when a blade breaks so I probably also change blades more often than I need to.  Sometimes It's also a pain threading a new blade into a partially done cut.

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