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I just read a post and see that Christina has her saw in the living room. That's cool! I got to thinking, where does everyone saw? Mine was in the garage until the weather got cold, now it's in the basement. Where's yours?


mine is in my shop, currently put away on a shelf while I build a much larger project. But once I go to sawing with it it goes right onto my work bench. Sorry no pictures to post of it right now.


I have small bedroom in the basement that my wife was kind enough to let me have. That's where I do my scrolling and smaller woodcrafting projects. It will also be the home of my future lathe ;) I keep my larger tools in the garage where I can work on larger projects. I have a very understanding wife to let me have two workshops. :lol: Eventually, the small bedroom will be renovated and I'll lose my heated mini-workshop. But that will be a few years down the road. Which gives me time to save up for a garage heater.


My scrollsaw is outback in my shed/shop, along with all my other tools.It used to be half and half - storage/shop. Now it is all shop except a little space in the loft(attic). It is only 10x12 but it works great for me since its all I got. And being small its fairly easy to keep it warm, even now, since its only in the teens outside. :grr::curse:


I forgot about the brand new dremil 1830 i never uesed when dremil honered there warranty and sent me a brand new one instead of fixing the old one . I requested a new top arm with roll pins to keep the saw going 2 years instead of one. They are not making scroll saws anymore. I am totaly pleased with the detla ss250 with quick release blade holders ,which broke and i did a quick fix with a (one) rubber band and it works BETTER than new,go figure!I'm going to leave it like that as it's a better mouse trap now.The dremils just going to be a paper weight on the floor.Will up grade trade for a better deltas,maybe a ss350 if someones interested.Zero time on the dremil.post-2756-134955531358_thumb.jpg


I have my small shop setup in a basement room of our apartment building. All the other tenants get just a small cage for extra storage, but thankfully we lucked out and have two pretty decent sized rooms for storage. I took one of them over as my shop. At the moment, it's a disaster area that really needs cleaned up. Pictures coming right after cleaning.




I am fortunate enough to have two shops, a small on in the basement of our house and a new workshop in our backyard. I have a scrollsaw for each shop so weather isn't a factor nor is the cold.



I have two identical saws and have them in two separate workshops,one is in my small basement workshop and I use it whenever there isn't a fire on in my other workshop which isn't all that big 16'x24'. After there is a little more work done on my separete workshop I'll be moving my house saw out to there also.



Well mine started out in the garage, but got a layer of rust from the moisture, and is now cleaned up and in the basement! I'm now trying to create a space to work in and a portable heater to keep the toes warm!! :roll:

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