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I spent lots of hours doing these in aromatic cedar only to find out they  are loaded with mistakes.when will i learn check twice cut once .One name he wasn't happy about the" L" in his name not being capital The other  the Y is missing in the first name Zuleyma.Man i don't know what 's going on in my head ?? the hands are ok and the eyes so so but getting it right i guess it's the brain in charge of that.We need to have a meeting as this took hours and hours out of my sleep time rest time get er done time.post-1607-0-05697400-1463286205_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-76560100-1463286243_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-39877100-1463286259_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-58068900-1463286280_thumb.jpgNow i still have to do uit over ,no fixing it .


Kevin, slow down and smell the coffee, your trying to get to much done in a short amount of time. If people are requesting these things, you'll have to tell them that you need more time. This rushing around to get everything done, is no life. Set up a schedule, and stick to it. There's no need for you to always be in a rush, plus, it's not healthy.



Kevin take it easy. I scroll saw no more than 4 Days a week and thats only 5 hours at a time. and when I mess it up I just throw it away and start over. Are these paying orders or are they for free free. I had an order for a wedding cake topper ($25) I didn't take an down-payment. I showed them what I would make but they kept adding to it. I had 2 completed and they wanted it a little different, So I just told them that i would not make it and they finally said that they would take what I had done but I told Thames that I had distressed the others go and find it someplace-else i have now quit taking orders. There is less stress in it.. 


Kevin considering the amount of goods you create that you have so few errors is amazing.  There are tricks to ensure that everything is right the first time, every time but you all ready know them I am sure.  



I was mesmerized at try  different thinks with my friend waching every move.LOL i decided to but him on some of the tasks so he can get hands on experience .He used my new glue up table now more than have.he wasn't a good planner helper as he would just watch the wood come thru and forget about handing it to me to run thru again..And then the questions never stopped distracting me .now i have to make a third one,like i need to waste more of my sleeping time.i was wore out yesterday from these two items.yoah i forget too!


Kevin, slow down and smell the coffee, your trying to get to much done in a short amount of time. If people are requesting these things, you'll have to tell them that you need more time. This rushing around to get everything done, is no life. Set up a schedule, and stick to it. There's no need for you to always be in a rush, plus, it's not healthy.


I'm got to get it done now or else i'll, forget that's just me .i hate things hanging over my head,lol Did someone say coffee?


All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy Kevin. Take a short break for maybe 5 or 10 minutes LOL then go at it again.


Good luck mate



Break times turn into sleep times real quick here.That all may change as i due at the pulmonary doctor and i see he has lots of execise equipment in his office ,maybe i'll call in sick,lol


Kevin take it easy. I scroll saw no more than 4 Days a week and thats only 5 hours at a time. and when I mess it up I just throw it away and start over. Are these paying orders or are they for free free. I had an order for a wedding cake topper ($25) I didn't take an down-payment. I showed them what I would make but they kept adding to it. I had 2 completed and they wanted it a little different, So I just told them that i would not make it and they finally said that they would take what I had done but I told Thames that I had distressed the others go and find it someplace-else i have now quit taking orders. There is less stress in it.. 

Customers can be our bread with butter or the reverse,The good ones seem to be far and few between but when they do come our way it rally makes our day!Thanks IKE


They look great Kevin, even if you do have to do them again. I do agree with everyone else though. Slow down, keep to a manageable schedule, and give the customers a realistic completion date taking into account all the work you currently have agreed to do for others. If they need a rush job, charge them a bit extra. Your customers should pay for the rush service, not you.




They look great Kevin, even if you do have to do them again. I do agree with everyone else though. Slow down, keep to a manageable schedule, and give the customers a realistic completion date taking into account all the work you currently have agreed to do for others. If they need a rush job, charge them a bit extra. Your customers should pay for the rush service, not you.



Thanks Barry,I'm to easy to do,that,lol


Who are you competing with Kevin?  We don't care if you cut one item a week. We know you live to scroll but maybe you need to smell the roses a bit more often. You are only competing with yourself!!!!!!!  Just slow down.  Read twice cut once.




Who are you competing with Kevin?  We don't care if you cut one item a week. We know you live to scroll but maybe you need to smell the roses a bit more often. You are only competing with yourself!!!!!!!  Just slow down.  Read twice cut once.



Ah Roses I do take the opportunity to smell flowers if at all accessible in my path.I've so much wood that needs to be cut up in little pieces,run thru the planer and scrolled.I'm in a daze as to what to do everyday.If an order comes in I'm cool but with out orders I'm lost.I do cut things i like especially religious but those patterns get lost quick around here.I on my way to heaven so what ever i can do in the mean time is just a distraction ,lol tThanks!


Keven, they still look great. I love the cedar. We all make mistakes so don't think your alone on that one. Maybe you can cut that piece where the y is missing and just cut another y and glue the pieces together and then paint it to hide the seams.


Keven, they still look great. I love the cedar. We all make mistakes so don't think your alone on that one. Maybe you can cut that piece where the y is missing and just cut another y and glue the pieces together and then paint it to hide the seams.

Most every time in cedar something pops out,so fragile! thanks Ralph ;) ;) ;)


They look super, and you are not along. I think we all have done miss spells on names and redone them over and over sometimes. 



i'm blessed in so many ways i shouldn't complain .6 dewalts a Delta c-arm 20 ,/a brand new Sakura ,loades of scrolling books ,blades etc and i'm a poor guy.I save and look for deals.i'm so,eager to run the saw i don't take that extra second to check and re check before i cut.     Thanks Jim! ;) ;) ;) ;)

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