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I am planning to do my first farmers market this next Saturday. Since I am a virgin at this whole thing including scrolling any help is appreciated. If you have an opinion on pricing a plaque like this please share. It measures 20" x 61/2" x 1/2" thick with a 1/4" Masonite backer made of white oak with a walnut, inlay finished natural. davepost-28878-0-38602800-1463354180_thumb.jpg

Posted (edited)

Dave I am not much help with pricing as I give most of my stuff away....From what I read here it is hard to get what your time might be worth, so the few pieces i have sold i just tried to get the cost of materials back...anything else is gravy.

Making a profit on a hobby is not  what  i try to do....Having said that good  luck at the sale!

Edited by Scrolling Steve

First of all Dave, you are no Virgin at scrolling! Even though you have only been scrolling fot about seven months, you have accomplished more than most have in two or three years!

That is a wonderfully done plaque. If I was selling it I would have a price of $45 on it.

You have to try and look at a piece objectively, and ask your self, What would I pay for it? That's how I started with prices. If it doesn't sell, adjust the price for next time. If it does sell, you might think about raising the price next time.


I am planning to do my first farmers market this next Saturday. Since I am a virgin at this whole thing including scrolling any help is appreciated. If you have an opinion on pricing a plaque like this please share. It measures 20" x 61/2" x 1/2" thick with a 1/4" Masonite backer made of white oak with a walnut, inlay finished natural. daveattachicon.gifDad Plaque.JPG

Your in a class by your self no.Exceptional projects you do always keep me on the edge of my seat at the incredible detail ,flawless workmanship!


I'd price according to material (wood, blades, finish, etc). Factor in what your time is worth, cost and time spent attending booth. Don't be afraid of price. It's just a number that can be adjusted. After arriving at a number ask yourself if you would pay that amount. If your work is saleable then there should be a profit you are comfortable with and fair.


Personally I would price it in the $45  - $55 range if it was a straight art venu.  $35 - $45 for a craft fair.  Basically $45 is a good target price.  Being as you are the manufacturer you can lower or raise the price as you see fit, however I would at least start there.  Great looking sign btw.  Thanks for sharing this with us




Dave, that's one heck of an inlay job, and there's nothing shabby about your letter cutting either.  It would be nice if you could get $40.00 to $45.00 for it, but, I think that you will be lucky to get $25.00 for it. I don't want to discourage you, but, that is about how much I could get for it if I sold it around here. You never know though, the right person might see it and figure they need it. It's a good looking cutting, I can't see you having it for long.



Hi Dave, first of all nothing virginal about your work mate, some beautiful lettering and also inlaying. :thumbs:  Regards the pricing I'm afraid I really can't help out there for various reasons... I don't know what the pricing range is like over there and as has already been said it really depends on the people at the fair and if they are willing to pay. It is quite a large piece so it shouldn't go too cheap. I have found that if the right owner comes along, the piece will sell. 


Good luck mate.





   I think your price guess is a good one, but your idea with this wood art is "GREAT". I get pretty bored seeing word art without imagination. It does not take much to make a word art pattern and cut it. It is nothing like creating a portrait pattern. I believe a person new to scrolling can learn to make a word art sign in 20 minutes, but giving it character, like you have done, makes the word art a pleasure to look at. One can make 15 word art patterns in a half day, but that is what they are, 'words'. I know people like their names in wood but coming up with something interesting and new is where 'art' comes in. Nice piece, good luck on your sales.





Can't help with the pricing sorry, but I must say that is one very cool plaque.  Who would have thought to do inlay on one of those plaques, you have a very clever mind Dave.  Good luck at the farmers market.




Hi Dave:


As for pricing -

As a scroller, if you think you are going to retire on the work you do, you are sadly mistaken

You have to look around you and price accordingly

What sells in your area at a good price may not sell as well in other areas.

Charge what you feel it's worth and go from there - adjust accordingly

Hope you get the price you ask for it



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