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won't enlarge


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i want to be able to click on it like all the rest of the pictures in the gallery to see it a full page ,if not for me,other members. I click on every picture of finished work to look at detail.What can be done to change that.Even in my own personal gallery i cannot go full page with it.This is the only photo ever i have run across this strange phenomena!

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Thank you messman.You are very correct.I learn so much about computers here at the ssv.I went to help in the computer ,went to photo size and got all the info i needed and now it works too good as the picture is super when you click on it.I wish all photos in the village would go that big.I love to put myself in the cutters place cutting and go through the trials and tribulations of cutting differant items.Iknow it sounds strange but thats me.I feel what you feel in tight turns winding runs .I just enjoy scrolling so much i like it better than sex!Thank you so much for setting me straight on the first shot.I've fumbled around to long thehard way and a friend got me out of harms way... YOU...!!! Thanks again I'm really really happy at what you taught me today.your my computer guru! :)

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