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Wow Kevin and i thought I was good with 40. I will not give you hard time about no pictures since I can not take photos and if I did I don't know how to post. Never have been able to post over the years. quess not a priority for me or I would learn. But Kevin no wonder you fall asleep just be careful not to drool on the saw it may rust the table.

Looks like you didn't sleep at the saw !


Kevin, 85,that's a lot of cutting. It sure would be nice, if you could sell all of them. They may not be $8.00-$10.00 ones, but, surely they're worth at least $5.00 or more each. What do you plan to use, to make the birds out of


Out of each cube of whitewood 2x4's i cut one bird but with a little (very little) effort i can get 3 birds from one cutting.


Here is tip. 


For the perches I use pieces of bamboo skewers the wife bought an Walmart.  The skewers are 12" long and come in a bag of 100 for $2.00 and fit perfectly in the 1/8th inch hole .  Figuring each perch is an 1" long you get 1,200 perches (less than 1 cent a piece) from a bag.

It pays keeping things around ,you never know when you'll need what ever.

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