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This is my first one of this breed I did :) ,is a order I gotten from someone.I send her a picture of it,I got a okay back from her.Now I'M working on a laying Boxier,is a order also. Is laying on my cutting table.is been to dam "HOT" outside and even with fan running is like a oven in my shop.I have a window air  i could put in,but it cost to much to run it.Is breaking the bank cooling thepost-23722-0-28811300-1466032868_thumb.jpgpost-23722-0-39682400-1466033328_thumb.jpg house :x


TerryLee, that's a perfect rendition of that bred of dog, your a intarsia master. It's to bad that the heat is hindering your time at the saw, is there any way you could move your saw to the basement to use?



This is my first one of this breed I did :) ,is a order I gotten from someone.I send her a picture of it,I got a okay back from her.Now I'M working on a laying Boxier,is a order also. Is laying on my cutting table.is been to dam "HOT" outside and even with fan running is like a oven in my shop.I have a window air  i could put in,but it cost to much to run it.Is breaking the bank cooling theattachicon.gifDSC03498.JPGattachicon.gifDSC03500.JPG house :x

Terrylee i hate to see you get locked out of your man cave.A roof over a roof over roof tarps may help.One day at a time.I squeezed out two projects in the heat myself today.these are the best!

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