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Wow !....Very nice work , Kip !.......I am intrigued and have a lot of questions??....can i assume this Tagua slice you have turned into a piece of jewelry is a slice of a nut ?....What steps does it take to prepare and preserve said nut ?....Inquiring minds want to know !?! 

Thanks to all, and yes Steve, tagua is a nut that grows on tagua trees (alot like a palm tree) down in the amazon basin in south america.  The inside of the nut, once dried, is a vegetable ivory, pretty much identical to animal ivory, but renewable.  They are maybe half again the size of a walnut.


I buy whole nuts, mainly cuz I wanted slices that were a little thicker than what I was finding pre-sliced.  Basically, I belt sand (50 grit) the nut untill I get the face of the slice the size I want, then use a table top band saw w/ a home made fence to cut the slice (I have a special push stick I made for this), then I smooth up the face and back on the circular sander (400 Grit). and I have a slice ready to cut.  After I cut the slice I clear coat the bark around the edges to lock it down (it would eventually flake off).  I do this with the pattern paper still on the face so I only coat the bark. Since this is basically ivory, cleaning off the spray adhesive and pattern paper is a snap with mineral spirits.  Drill a hanging hole, and you've got a necklace.


Alot of the locals in South America carve whole nuts into chess set pieces, which I find amazing as thats outside my skill set.


Thanks for the info Kip....one last question....what blade do you use for the scroll work ? 

typically I use flying dutchmans 2/0 polars, but if there is alot of detail I'll go to a 2/0 peguin silver for a little more control.  The polar blades last longer on the tagua though.


Thanks to all, and yes Steve, tagua is a nut that grows on tagua trees (alot like a palm tree) down in the amazon basin in south america.  The inside of the nut, once dried, is a vegetable ivory, pretty much identical to animal ivory, but renewable.  They are maybe half again the size of a walnut.


I buy whole nuts, mainly cuz I wanted slices that were a little thicker than what I was finding pre-sliced.  Basically, I belt sand (50 grit) the nut untill I get the face of the slice the size I want, then use a table top band saw w/ a home made fence to cut the slice (I have a special push stick I made for this), then I smooth up the face and back on the circular sander (400 Grit). and I have a slice ready to cut.  After I cut the slice I clear coat the bark around the edges to lock it down (it would eventually flake off).  I do this with the pattern paper still on the face so I only coat the bark. Since this is basically ivory, cleaning off the spray adhesive and pattern paper is a snap with mineral spirits.  Drill a hanging hole, and you've got a necklace.


Alot of the locals in South America carve whole nuts into chess set pieces, which I find amazing as thats outside my skill set.

Whoa! that's taking the hard road to produce such a display of talent

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