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I saw a notice in the paper today for a Craft Fair in a town 20 miles from me sponsored

by the Chamber of Commerce.  There was still booths available but to register you need

to prove you had insurance.  Is this insurance requirement normal to participate in a 

craft fair?  I have not participated in a craft fair so just wondering.


We have some that require insurance. It's cheaper for the venue then for the year. The ones that require it my area are larger shows and in my experience worth it. I have insurance through my business but it is expensive. 


I used to carry liability insurance when I was into selling my work, it didn't cost much at the time. Some places require it, other places cover you with their insurance.



I saw a notice in the paper today for a Craft Fair in a town 20 miles from me sponsored

by the Chamber of Commerce.  There was still booths available but to register you need

to prove you had insurance.  Is this insurance requirement normal to participate in a 

craft fair?  I have not participated in a craft fair so just wondering.

I guess if to exhibit falls on someone there's no problem ?

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