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Well, I decided yesterday to go to the shop and try to cut another piece out with the spiral blade. You may or may not remember but a couple of months ago I decided that I wanted to learn to use the spiral blade and I cut three patterns with them. Then I got a rather busy time in my life and could not seem to get to the shop much, I thought it would be a nice time to give it another go. So I went through my pattern library and found a Charles Dearing pattern of a swan and it's chick and went to work on it. It was not that complicated and I finished it in a couple of hours. I  was rather pleased with the results so I decided to post it and see what you people think.






Nicely done!  Saw some small bridges, must have caused you to hold your breath.

 The one thing that I have learned using the spirals is, cutting the small stuff, (that could break rather easily with a flat blade)., seems to be no problem with the dreaded spiral blade. It is one of the reasons I want to get comfortable with them.





Well, I decided yesterday to go to the shop and try to cut another piece out with the spiral blade. You may or may not remember but a couple of months ago I decided that I wanted to learn to use the spiral blade and I cut three patterns with them. Then I got a rather busy time in my life and could not seem to get to the shop much, I thought it would be a nice time to give it another go. So I went through my pattern library and found a Charles Dearing pattern of a swan and it's chick and went to work on it. It was not that complicated and I finished it in a couple of hours. I  was rather pleased with the results so I decided to post it and see what you people think.




Well done ,Don't forget to use zero clearance on the saw when doing fragile small parts to save repair time.


Well done ,Don't forget to use zero clearance on the saw when doing fragile small parts to save repair time.



    I  did exactly that.. I had no breakage while cutting this pattern. A good point and reminder,, thanks for the suggestion





Dick, nice job with the spiral, looks great.

I hated spirals until I watched a Charles Dearing video where he talked about thinking of the spiral as Sanding away material instead of cutting it. After that they just clicked for me and now I like working with them.


Dick, nice job with the spiral, looks great.

I hated spirals until I watched a Charles Dearing video where he talked about thinking of the spiral as Sanding away material instead of cutting it. After that they just clicked for me and now I like working with them.

Spirals are not for every piece of scrolling pattern, in my opinion but I also agree that they are certainly worth an effort to learn for when they come in handiest. Keep up your good efforts. Thanks for your comments.





Very nicely done Dick.  Like Clayton mentioned I do not like swirls but have used them in the past and will again if the need arises.  For me at least I feel that there is an art to working with them and that they require a ton of practice to get used to.  This latest that you have done is great.  Thanks for sharing this with us.





I think you got it all figured out just fine.  Nice work.  With spirals you can also "sneak" up on fragile pieces and "file" them to size.  That said, I haven't used a spiral in quite a while.  I am doing right now what I thought I couldn't.  I'm cutting a picture using my Hegner and 2/0 flat blades.  I think I am slowly figuring out how to use that machine.


Looks good - at least to this newbie  :) - I figured I would stay away from spiral blades for a while - enough trouble getting used to cutting with a flat blade.  :lol:

When one is starting out on a new venture I believe it is wise to not try too much too soon. Start with the easier things until you are comfortable with them and then push the envelope a little. Eventually you will be getting into something you really didn't think you were capable of doing. Jumping way ahead too fast can be discouraging and make one feel defeated. Take your time and have fun,that is what it is all about anyway




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