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welcome to the village. you came to the right place for information and hints. That picture has good clean cuts and that is a great start.What saw do you have? 

 and again  welcome.



Howdy From Southern Tenn.I like what ya did.Looks Great. Your off to a Great start.I started with Shadows myself,Since I came here.I have gotten a of help.All ya have to do is ask,someone here will have the help ya need.Oh Welcome to The Village. :)


Hi everyone, thanks for letting me in.

I'm just a simple beginner with no training so here for as many tips as I can get.

This was my first attempt at any woodwork for over 30 years, a simple cut out copy of a picture I took.

Your in like flint with fly rod stuff on my end.you've got more than it takes to get the glory seat as a new member ,Welcome  friend,Keep your projects coming!


Thanks everyone. I'm only using a very basic, cheap, 90w scroll saw without speed control just to get started. I bought it as a used model just to see if I was worth better.

In Britain wood is very limited or very pricey so not using anything special yet.

But number 2 and 3 I've made, still thinking about number 4.




I'm impressed! especially the fishermen. I have not started a project yet. I'm still in the process of setting up my scroll saw. I've only made a holder for my blades. That is only my first attempt at wood work.


Hello Dave and welcome to the village! Thank you for the intro, I live in the north west of good old England,

You have gotten off to a good start on your scrolling, By the way Dave you can get some great pieces of

wood out of skips, old furniture-like drawer sides, I used to drive a skip wagon for a time and the things I

saw thrown out was unbelievable!

If you have a bandsaw you can re-saw wood down to what you want O.K.

Bob ;)  :thumbs:  


Welcome to our world wide family. We love new members and encourage them to log on often so we can all get to know each other. Ask any question and take the time to respond to others posts. I hope you feel at home here quickly. Any doubts about what I am telling you, all you have to do is ask mefick, she has only been a member for a short time and has posted a lot. See if she agrees with me,





Hi everyone, thanks for letting me in.

I'm just a simple beginner with no training so here for as many tips as I can get.

This was my first attempt at any woodwork for over 30 years, a simple cut out copy of a picture I took.

Wow!!! BigD you are off to a great start. I hope you do ask a lot of questions so I won't feel so dumb.   :sad:    :)

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