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I live in south Australia and I'm looking at possibly starting this hobby, My other hobby is rocks, gems and minerals with a side hobby of silversmithing, I don't have a deep pocket so cannot afford a big priced machine so any ideas would be helpful



Posted (edited)
  On 8/2/2016 at 9:31 AM, mardia said:

I live in south Australia and I'm looking at possibly starting this hobby, My other hobby is rocks, gems and minerals with a side hobby of silversmithing, I don't have a deep pocket so cannot afford a big priced machine so any ideas would be helpful



G'day to you Maurice. A big welcome from Scotland to this wonderful forum.

As to the matter of  what scroll saw to buy??, I would say look around at what is available and purchase what you can afford. No doubt more of our more knowledgeable friends will give you some guidance. You'll realise  the machines come in may guises from very expensive to quite cheap. The members here, who are more experienced than me, will keep you on the right track. You'll be inundated with ideas. If you need patterns you wont find better than our pattern makers here and all FREE.

So come on in and enjoy the fun.

Oh!!!,by the way HAPPY(late) BIRTHDAY Maurice. :bday:  :bday:  :bday: Hope you had a great day.

Rob Roy.

Edited by Rob Roy

Welcome Maurice. 

A good saw is important, one that performs well. Try to stay away from any that require pins in the blades.

It would be good to hear a list of saws that are for sell in South Australia. Most will probably recommend a saw

that is not available to you. 

WE have other members in Austraalia that may chime in... like Marg (Wombatie)


  Welcome Maurice, new or experienced there is something to learn here. Not sure about the saws available to you but I agree with Larry on the pin less blades, this might narrow the search. Invest in what you can, small drill bits, spray glue, and work up from there. I would check out the Pattern library for some inspiration. 

Posted (edited)

Glad you are joining us.  Hard for me to recommend a saw, not knowing what is available, but like has been said, we have some Australian members that can help out.  It is worth getting as best you can afford, make the hobby more enjoyable, but a lot can be done with cheap, if you have patience. 


Check out my hat in my avatar picture.   "Driza-bone" hat my son bought for me on one of his visits to Australia.  I love it. I'd love to visit Australia.

Edited by Scrappile
  On 8/2/2016 at 9:31 AM, mardia said:

I live in south Australia and I'm looking at possibly starting this hobby, My other hobby is rocks, gems and minerals with a side hobby of silversmithing, I don't have a deep pocket so cannot afford a big priced machine so any ideas would be helpful



Welcome friend,I spend years and years using inferior saws.I had no idea there was better .But those years and years were some of the best times i've had.I finally traded some of my intarsias for a quality machine.I could not believe the difference in it.No motor noise for one .te top arm lifts up and out of the way to make threading the saw blade easy as pie.Try a cheap machine if you can and when you get a good one you'll be whistling Dixie everyday.Welcome friend.Keep asking questions .You'll know what to look for before you buy!


Hi Maurice welcome to the Village. I'm Marg from Victoria Australia. There are not too many options for us down here regarding scroll saws but whatever you do do not get a cheap one it will put you off scroll sawing quicker than batting your eyelids. I suggest that you check out Carbatec and Timbercon web sites. I do know that Carbatec do have 3 differnt scroll saws, one of them comes in 3 different sizes. Just inbox me if you have any questions.




No advise, as I am a newbie myself and in the States. However, I did want to say welcome. I joined a few weeks ago and have found everyone willing to help and give good advice. Hopefully you can find a good saw soon for your needs.


Hi Maurice glad to meet you .I am Peter from NSW .As to the saw I would get the best saw that you can afford ,I started out on a carbatec & it served me well for a couple of years.It was an 18" model with variable speed & it cost was $700 .I have since upgraded to an EX21  Or General as they are known in Australia but are pricey at $1100  but are a beautiful saw.Please just ask if you need any help or where to purchase blades etc.


A BIG Welcome from Southern Tenn,As you can see from up above you have gotten a lot of help,and advice.There are many saws to choose from.The saw is just the start.Be sure to pick a Top Quality Brand, Looking forward to seeing your work. :)


Welcome to our world wide family. Good luck in your search for a scroll saw. I would rely on Marge for your help there, if I were you. I know she will be willing to help I any way she can to guide you right. Come back here often and participate in the posts, this will be a great value to you also. You have to learn that by doing so





  • 5 weeks later...

My only advice is to suggest that you take the time to learn which saws are of the better quality and available in Australia, and then search for a used one, so the price is more reasonable. Also try to find someone nearby who is willing to spend a day, or just a few hours, with you and their saw to help you get started with some "hands on type training". Even just an hour of "on the saw" training will make a huge difference when you are just starting out.  Both will help you get started with the best saw for what you can afford. Don't buy a cheap saw. They will ruin your interest in scroll sawing very quickly, unless you love self punishment and want to suffer through it no matter what . If you buy a better quality saw used, you can always sell it for about what you paid for it, if you should decide later that scrolling really isn't for you. If you buy a cheap saw, you may have to give it away.


Welcome to Scrollsaw Village. The more dedicated scrollers like this place and stay here, and you will quickly see why. We are very eager to help each other when problems arise, and free sharing of ideas makes us all better scrollers. Those who ask for help are sometimes almost buried in helpful replies and suggestions of alternative ways to try for fixing a problem. At least one is certainly the best answer. 



  • 4 weeks later...

Welcome to the Village. Lots of good folks and good ideas here. I just took a look at Ebay. They had a lot of scroll saw listed, not all top of the line and some used. Some listed free freight and some will ship to Australia. Check their policies and you may find a bargain. Happy hunting and scrolling.  

  • 2 weeks later...

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