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Hello All, I have owned a Ryobi scroll saw for years and never had much luck with it. I recently became interested in scrolling. Knowing nothing about scroll saws I purchased a used Hawk, serial #321, model SS14. I had heard the Hawk was a quality saw so I purchased it for $200. After getting it home I realized it had no motor. I also noted it would not sit flat on the bench. I did not examine the saw since it looked like new and it was from an estate sale. After calling Hawk I was told the saw was made to fit on a ShopSmith therefore it needed no motor. I have since gotten it mounted and powered with a small motor. It is now a single speed saw but with a DC motor I can have variable speed. I purchased a selection of Flying Dutchman blades and soon will be on my way. Should I enjoy this I will upgrade. I'm looking forward to this new experience.post-29885-0-82409100-1470613830_thumb.jpgpost-29885-0-81385800-1470613839_thumb.jpgpost-29885-0-26849600-1470613847_thumb.jpg


Hi Les, welcome to the Village.  I'm Marg from Australia.  Sorry that you had to jump through hoops before having a working scroll saw but I am sure that you will love it, it is an addictive hobby.




I've had a Hawk 26.. I outgrew the 16 so I sold it.  Have fun with it and I guarantee you will become addicted.  I got addicted soon after I retired from working(early).  I got addicted early too....




my husband would come home and sawdust would fly out of the garage and not a thing was done in the house and nothing even in mind for dinner except for getting something delivered. 


Welcome.  Sounds like you are getting ready now that you got a motor.  Who would have known!  :shock:  My husband had a friend give him their father/father-in-law's shopsmith when he passed away.  It didn't come with a Hawk Scroll Saw attachment though.  ;)


Hello All, I have owned a Ryobi scroll saw for years and never had much luck with it. I recently became interested in scrolling. Knowing nothing about scroll saws I purchased a used Hawk, serial #321, model SS14. I had heard the Hawk was a quality saw so I purchased it for $200. After getting it home I realized it had no motor. I also noted it would not sit flat on the bench. I did not examine the saw since it looked like new and it was from an estate sale. After calling Hawk I was told the saw was made to fit on a ShopSmith therefore it needed no motor. I have since gotten it mounted and powered with a small motor. It is now a single speed saw but with a DC motor I can have variable speed. I purchased a selection of Flying Dutchman blades and soon will be on my way. Should I enjoy this I will upgrade. I'm looking forward to this new experience.attachicon.gif20160723_130411.jpgattachicon.gif20160723_130426.jpgattachicon.gif20160723_130444.jpg

Show us your saw dust pile soon,Welcome friend


I was a little luckier than you, I also bought my Hawk at an estate sale for only $65. There was no way I could. Pass it up. Mine did have a motor and variable speed but they could not find the legs for it. I was lucky enough to get some metal legs off an old table saw stand and sanded and painted them so they look like the factory legs. I just got luckyy that time. I hope to hear more about how well your saw works out with the new motor. Glad you found us.ask any question you may have as there're many knowledgable people here that are more than happy to share their wisdom and ideas






Welcome.  I have a Dewalt 788.  It's a good machine for learning on I think.  I am a newbie to learning it myself. I have found this a very great and knowledgeable group happy to help answer questions or any way they can. I even suspect that many of us would be happy to hear about your cnc and see your projects done with it as well.  That's how we all learn from each other.


I have no idea where to ask this so I'll ask it here. Where do I go to edit my profile? I'm still trying to find my way around this site. Thanks!

That is a Rockytime question. 

Find :D Rockytime and click on it. Should be a catagory that says 'Profile'


I have no idea where to ask this so I'll ask it here. Where do I go to edit my profile? I'm still trying to find my way around this site. Thanks!

I click on my user name at the top of the page  (very top right side of the page)  click on it and a drop down menu will appear, click on "My Settings".  It will take you to General Setting and you can edit your info on that page.  On the left are other things you can click on to edit.


Well the saw is finally operational with a couple of modifications. Photo 1: Changing blades was a pain. Middle finger holds the arm down, index finger keeps the blade clamp from moving backwards, thumb holds the blade in place and finally a hex wrench tightens the clamp. An aluminum block mounted behind the blade clamp holds the clamp in place. Photo 2: 8-32 cap screw was replaced with a 10-32 screw. A hex wrench is welded (JB Welded) to the screw to make it tool free. Photo 3: My first project. A Rorschach test for scrollers. :rofl: Next is a trip to Woodcraft for some Birch plywood and start sawing.



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