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Posted (edited)

There appear to be many more religion-themed scroll saw patterns available on the internet than I would have expected. On the other hand, I searched and was unable to come up with any patterns oriented towards atheism or even skepticism.


Why is this? I have no trouble at all finding quotable atheistic sayings and there are many atheists who are skilled artists and craftspeople. Therefore, both the material and the people exist to create such patterns.


I did find a photograph, but not a pattern, that I was able to use to create the piece shown in the attached photo. I was unable to find the name of the person who created the work in the original photo.


I cut the “Darwin-walking-fish†from 22 millimetre thick figured maple using a #9 reverse-toothed blade. I then sanded the piece in steps up to 500 grit and finished it with several coats of polymerized Tung oil.


The attached photo was taken before final sanding and finishing. I will add a photo of this finished piece to this thread once I return home in a week or so.


Edited by Frank Pellow

Nicely done Frank.  Thanks for sharing this with us.  


I do have an answer for you.... it is all about the numbers. Atheists it appears from the research I have seen, are a very small portion of the population of the world, generally thought to be around or under 10%.




I took note that patterns seem to be generic and religious. But Darwin historically was a devout Christian who wrote in Origin of Species, that evolution was "guided by the hand of the creator." The rift between Darwin and creationists is more like the antagonism between Protestants and Catholics. Not really atheist at all.

That said, scrolling patterns do seem to have a void of some "issues." A few months back, I even stumbled upon a pattern that could only be described as porn. I realize we are to avoid some subjects here and I may have stepped on the boundary. But I agrees, about @ lack of some subject patterns.


There appear to be many more religion-themed scroll saw patterns available on the internet than I would have expected. On the other hand, I searched and was unable to come up with any patterns oriented towards atheism or even scepticism.


Why is this? I have no trouble at all finding quotable atheistic sayings and there are many atheists who are skilled artists and craftspeople. Therefore, both the material and the people exist to create such patterns.


I did find a photograph, but not a pattern, that I was able to use to create the piece shown in the attached photo. I was unable to find the name of the person who created the work in the original photo.


I cut the “Darwin-walking-fish†from 22 millimetre thick figured maple using a #9 reverse-toothed blade. I then sanded the piece in steps up to 500 grit and finished it with several coats of polymerized Tung oil.


The attached photo was taken before final sanding and finishing. I will add a photo of this finished piece to this thread once I return home in a week or so.



I think it is that people make patterns that support their beliefs and interests. I think most people feel that one is free to beleive what they choose or taught to believe in their lives. A belief in God goes back to the beginning of man and still exsists today. One can make patterns and pieces that demonstrate what they believe, no matter what it is, but porno is an exception that most sites of this kind do not allow along with words that are found affensive to most. There are a lot of gays these days and through the years have gained acceptance where a few years ago was a behind the door thing. Many Christians totally disagree with the gay movement and regard it as immoral, however there are also many Christians who are changeing their own previous beliefs and accepting it as okah now. With that said, I have also not seen any gay patterns either. Maybe it is the small percentage of people in these catagories and they just simply choose not to make and cut and share these beliefs with others. I don't know. just a thought on my part





I saw someone post one of these on a facebook group a while back and the "Christians" blew the post apart for days literally saying "you're wrong" and generally losing their minds.  I just left the page.  


I would guess the reason there aren't more patterns like this is 1. because of what I mentioned above and 2. like Dwsudekum said, there probably aren't enough people to want them for the pattern makers to justify the time making them.


Everyone believes everyone has a right to what they want as long as what they want is being echoed back to them.


"I think it is that people make patterns that support their beliefs and interests. I think most people feel that one is free to beleive what they choose or taught to believe in their lives...."



So the atheist was....  on second thought ...It is none of my business.

Posted (edited)

My dad is a fan of the OU Sooners, and wears the shirts, the hats, and etc.  I don't have those same feeling towards the Sooners, but I don't feel any motivation to wear a shirt that expresses my lack of interest in OU.


Same goes with religion.  Those that follow it would be interested in it, but why would someone that didn't "believe" in it feel the need to express that?  I don't wear a shirt that says I don't believe in Santa Claus. I don't think "Unbelief" is usually a strong motivator.  I may however wear a shirt that says "JESUS", because I personally have a believe that powers that sentiment.


That said, if there is an Atheist, Homosexual, OU Fan, Islamist, Democrat, Ford lover, Yankee, ect . . . .  let them design patterns until their heart is content.


I take that back, the world doesn't need any Ford patterns . . . . . Just kidding.



Edited by hotshot

Frank, there may not be any or many atheist/scepticism patterns, due to them being a controversial patterns? Most sites don't allow political or religous topics to be discussed, due to the controversy that it causes. Athiest patterns would tend to do the same, as most people don't agree with it and they would have to let you know that. If you have any of these types of patterns, go ahead and post them I'm interested in reading what others have to say about them.


Posted (edited)

Debi (debinoz), I see that you agree with me when you say:  "As for patterns, I've found there is an over abundance of religious themed ones. "  This observation is exactly why I started this thread.
As to your comment: "if you can have those, why can't you have the other?";  It appears that, at least on this forum, you can have such art -although I have not (yet?) posted a pattern for it.


Notice that I have not said whether or not I am an atheist.  I have not said one way or the other because I don't want this thread to degenerate into a religious debate.

Edited by Frank Pellow

I live in the United States.  We worked hard and made a lot of sacrifices to insure that ppl could believe anything they wanted.  AND the freedom to share those beliefs in public.  It doesn't matter at all to me what you believe, as long as you don't bother me with it.  If you come knock on my door and try to sell me on your beliefs, that bothers me.  So as long as you don't do that, we don't have an issue at my house.  But that is what made the United States the great country that it is today.  I'm sorry you can't live here.  :)

I make a lot of patterns, I make what interests me.  I'm sure you can post any patterns you'd like as long as they conform to the guidelines of this site.  I've had one pulled.  lol.

I think you did a great job on that cutting, looks great.  I'm sure you'll enjoy it for many years to come.  Thank you for sharing it with us.




Russell, this is an aside, but I can't leave you with your  assumption in the statement "I'm sorry your can't live here".


I did live and work in the USA for 7 years and could have stayed.  But, I prefer Canada, so returned here


I had Darwin Fish on many of my previous cars and the last was insured so I could get a replacement for my current if I wanted. I'm a Buddhist who attends a Unitarian Universalist Church with my family. I have found myself designing my own patterns for those aspects of my life. There are a lot of asian patterns out there but do not really consider them Buddhism related. Those of us that are non-christian are growing rapidly (not trying to start an argument) and is over 10% suggested earlier. I have kept some of my UU and Buddhist patterns to myself for fear of criticism and the thought that maybe no one would really want/need them. maybe it's time for me to just stand up and put them up.  


I would look at the lack of these types of patterns has an opportunity.  My guess is, there might be a market for these types of patterns, after all there are a ton of religious, and wildlife patterns out there, so that market is kind of saturated.  I made a bunch of "Smoking Permitted" and Designated Smoking Area signs for a friend, cause he was unable to find any decent commercial ones that he liked, so I made up a few designs, and he chose the ones he liked.

Posted (edited)

There is less religion-themed (Born Again Christian) scroll saw patterns available on the internet than I would like.

On the other hand I don't care if the sceptics and atheist (I before E except after C) are left out.

 Praise the LORD!


PS: Atheism ( I before E except after C )  is a religion

whether an Atheist ( I before E except after C )    wants it to be or not.     

Edited by LarryEA

Very interesting topic. I do think that the absence of patterns for other religions or non-religious is simply the fact that Christianity is the majority religion in the US and the majority of people say they are "Christian" even if they don't practice it. It is always safe to cut out and give or sell a Christian themed piece. This site also seems to have quite a few vocal conservative Christians that post patterns and make comments that support their beliefs. I'm a Humanist so just pretty much ignore those posts or patterns. I guess if there were a whole bunch of us vocal Humanists on this site, then you would see a lot of comments and patterns from us..but I suspect I'm the only one (or one of very few). Most of us that are Humanists, atheists, or non-Christian evidently just don't feel the need to do a lot of sign cutting proclaiming our beliefs or non beliefs. No judgment here...we all do our own thing.


Speaking from a Christian perspective, I think the main reason for the abundance of Christian themed patterns is that Christians are specifically called to witness and spread the Gospel.  It's a major tenant of our faith.  Not everyone appreciates some of the more aggressive methods used, but by creating and cutting Christian themed patterns, believers are simply living out their faith and expressing & sharing it, as we are instructed to do in the Bible.


I can't speak to the lack of alternative patterns.  I suspect that the absence of a real market may be a big factor.  If there was profit to be made in such a market, I believe that it would be exploited.  Perhaps it's a hidden market, just waiting for an enterprising pattern designer to wade in.  While I wouldn't support it, I wouldn't feel that my faith is threatened by it either.

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