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Do you cheat??? Tell the truth. LOL


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Absolutely!!!! If a pattern has perfect circles, I will drill them with the correct size bit. I do not consider that cheating though. For something like a trivet, I will cut it on the scroll saw. I can cut it faster and will come out smoother than if done by a router.

It's your project, cut it anyway you want!

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I also use my table saw and radial arm saw, where applicable, to make perfect and consistent straight edges & angles on the outside of projects.  While most of these patterns are designed so that they can be cut with only a scroll saw, that doesn't mean that another tool can't be used for some of the operations, if is more accurate and/or efficient.

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I agree that is not cheating at all. If there is perfect circles I will drill them out. If the pattern is an oval or circle or even square. I will use the tool to make the shape the easiest way. If making multiples I will make a jig and then rough cut and then trim with a router. Not cheating at all. That is why you have a shop full of tools. 


I will ask this then. Is it cheating using a machine as a scroll saw when this hobby was invented with the use of a fret saw and done by hand. ???There are still some purists that still do it that way. 

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Small circles get a drill bit. Larger ones I cut one my scroll saw then dress up with a belt sander. For me it is easier to just cut them and regulate the speed and feed on the outer circles. For the inside circle I apply the same principles unless they are smaller them I use a drill bit ( ornaments )  and the like. 

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I guess I cheat all the time, I use every tool I have for what it was intended for.  I cut my scroll saw blanks to size on the table saw, re-saw wood on the band saw, use my thickness planer when needed to get a piece of wood to thickness for scrolling ...etc.

Edited by Scrappile
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