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I hate shopping here as they are a dollar more than other stores per item  but its 5 blocks from my warehouse..I;ve made just about every girls name in the store except the deli girls.I can't afford deli foods.The managers praise me for what i'm doing  for the girls.When i enter the store i' am singled out for a "how are you" It just makes my day.The smiles i get are sincere and long lasting.The requests i get blow me away as i know what it's going to look like already.a couple of bucks here and there makes life all the better from this store.I ride the electric scootter for an hour cooling down from the heat in the warehouse everyday.I compliment the stock clerks daily on how well they make the shelfs look so good.I tell them publix needs a 100 more like you."I know they like to hear this and strives to make them live up to the compliment.here's the latest work requested from employeesattachicon.gifIMG_20160921_194955.jpgattachicon.gifIMG_20160921_175057.jpgattachicon.gifIMG_20160921_175015.jpgattachicon.gifIMG_20160921_175230.jpgattachicon.gifIMG_20160921_175222.jpg


I hate shopping here as they are a dollar more than other stores per item  but its 5 blocks from my warehouse..I;ve made just about every girls name in the store except the deli girls.I can't afford deli foods.The managers praise me for what i'm doing  for the girls.When i enter the store i' am singled out for a "how are you" It just makes my day.The smiles i get are sincere and long lasting.The requests i get blow me away as i know what it's going to look like already.a couple of bucks here and there makes life all the better from this store.I ride the electric scootter for an hour cooling down from the heat in the warehouse everyday.I compliment the stock clerks daily on how well they make the shelfs look so good.I tell them publix needs a 100 more like you."I know they like to hear this and strives to make them live up to the compliment.here's the latest work requested from employeespost-1607-0-49435600-1474513005_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-65999800-1474513042_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-56217200-1474513063_thumb.jpg


Edited by amazingkevin
  • 2 months later...

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