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I just recently discovered the cap that goes over the fuse and of course you push and the fuse with the cap pops out was missing. Well I called the local repair and they told me the part number was changed and gave that to me. I went to order on line and the shipping was about 1 buck less than the part. The repair place said they would order it and now 5-6 weeks later the part came in. Well It now is one piece also the outer part will not fit in the square hole that is in the side of the saw. It is too small so will pull right out. The tech did not know they had done that. I took the saw with me because I was not able to get the fuse out anyway but that was not a problem at the repair place. He put it in anyway but it was not going to stay very well so I had him put in the old one and I have electrical tape over the opening. It is running. and no charge so I will see if it lasts. Just thought you may want to know in case it happens to you. I have no idea where the cap went most likely in the vacuum sometime. I think I will call dewalt and give the old number and see if they say it was changed if not see if they got an old one hanging around.

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