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Happy New Year!

I hope everybody has a happy and prosperous new year. This time of year we often make new year's resolutions? H'bout for scrolling? Do you have any scrolling resolutions?


Here's mine:

    [*:2wgay11f]produce more podcasts
    [*:2wgay11f]learn a couple new graphics programs
    [*:2wgay11f]design more patterns
    [*:2wgay11f]find a little more quality time with my saw
    [*:2wgay11f]try not to have more than 3 unfinished projects before starting another! :?

Now lets see if I stick to them...LOL



as our pastor said last sunday..."a goal not written down, is NOT a goal" ;)



i am resolving to do more scrolling this year ...and less time on the computer!


many times last year i'd have an hour to spend at the saw, but would make the mistake of sitting down in front of the computer and looking up scrolling sites and free patterns etc....and the next thing i'd know, my hour was up and i did nothing on the saw! :lol:


this year i'd like to complete at least 2 or 3 projects a month, to either give as gifts or hang on the wall in a local restaurant that puts consignment work up.


i find gifts are the easiest and quickest, cause if i have someone in mind for my project, i will keep at it until it is done!


I thought I was the only one that planned to scroll something only to find the day gone and with nothing cut. All because of searching great sites like these for info or something really cool to cut!! As a former mentor once taught me..."don't get paralysis by analysis, research a little, make a choice, get it done, learn from your mistakes, and enjoy the accomplishment". This is one of my resolution for the year, the second part is cutting enough to try and sell something........ but I'm still researching what to sell.



I thought I was the only one that planned to scroll something only to find the day gone and with nothing cut. All because of searching great sites like these for info or something really cool to cut!! As a former mentor once taught me..."don't get paralysis by analysis, research a little, make a choice, get it done, learn from your mistakes, and enjoy the accomplishment". This is one of my resolution for the year, the second part is cutting enough to try and sell something........ but I'm still researching what to sell.





I would bet most scrollers get stuck in that loop...LOL. I'm guessing we probably have a stack of patterns a foot thick and keep printing more out every day! I know for a fact that I read and research scrolling MUCH more than I actually scroll! :oops: I can't help it.


Are you going to try the craft show circuit? I know several scrollers that had some pretty good luck with Etsy.com. I've always wanted to try my hand at selling some of my work. But I think I'll have to wait until life slows down a bit.


BTW...I really like your avatar.


My resolution is to scroll more and print less. I know I can scroll more because I retired after 24 and half years of cleaning a primary school but print less! Only time will tell. :lol:



alright jowshu!!!!


"don't get paralysis by analysis, research a little, make a choice, get it done, learn from your mistakes, and enjoy the accomplishment"


you had a good mentor! i'm printing that out and posting it where i can see it each day! :idea:


i know of two restaurants in my area that put up 'artwork' done by local artists...i'm sure there are others ....some private hotels do also!

we just stayed at one last week where down the hallway on the ground floor were many 'crafty' items and pics w/price tags hanging off of them.

you can ask pretty much what you wish...if it sells, it sells, if it doesn't, but you have a business card w/ your info on it attached...at least your work will be seen around your local area, and when someone needs that "special gift" you just may be contacted! :D


just some ideas.... 8-)


i wish i had more scroll time! i work a 40+ hour week and when i get home i have good intentions....but no energy or ambition left to do much more than sit in front of the computer and look at things i 'wish i had the time' to make :cry:

My resolution is to scroll more and print less. I know I can scroll more because I retired after 24 and half years of cleaning a primary school but print less! Only time will tell. :lol:




Congratulations on retirement. My dad will be retiring this year. He just picked up the scrolling hobby. So he'll have plenty of stuff to cut when he has more time. I gotta teach him to use the internet. Then he'd have too much to cut...LOL.


i wish i had more scroll time! i work a 40+ hour week and when i get home i have good intentions....but no energy or ambition left to do much more than sit in front of the computer and look at things i 'wish i had the time' to make


I hear ya. I work crazy hours too and have a 2yo to entertain when I get home. It's even hard for me to get in some weekend scrolling. But I give it the ol' college try. At least I'm able to work on the website and live vicariously through others. ;)


travis i don't see how you find ANY time to scroll!


trying to keep up a website is very time consuming and a message board also???? sheesh! i know how much time can go into a message board!

with a job and family...best wishes!


you're doing a great job here! 44035a5347b29a8b4b0f0efc842dda2f8a8516e.gif




Travis is doing pretty good... I am not going to give him too much Credit... Then his head will be bigger then the forum and won't be room for any new people to register.


So I just give him enough air in the Ol' head to Fill itup a little bit, but not too much.


ROFL, Wouldn't want him to rise to the Top to quickly


And I don't have a New years Res.


I quit Smoking about 4 years ago, I'm not going to quit drinking my Beer lol, my Health is better, I don't bite my Nails, so anything personal is already taken care of lol


Hi guys and gals, I too never make New Years Resolutions, WHY!!!! Because I never keep them so who am I fooling. I'm retired and therefore take one day at a time. If I feel like surfing the web I do that and if I want to spend time in the shop, great. My stressful days went by the wayside on the day I retired. I spent too much time in management and my hair got a little more gray, from here on it's fun,fun,fun....Mike


hahaha...i only make resolutions that i can keep. like gaining weight, watch more tv, or spend more time doing what i like. you set your goals that you can reach, its no problem! :P




I only print those that I think I'll cut sometime soon, my problem is I'm running out of hard drive space and the time to organize all of the great patterns!!! :D I've made a couple of patterns for family that I have cut and as I learn I hope to share so as to return the favor.

My avatar is a photo I took (my other hobby). Not sure if I'm looking at the craft show circuit, etsy or both yet, trying to find a niche first. Life is busy for me as well which is why this hoilday season came and went and I wasn't ready; too busy out hunting (nothing to show for that this year either, except the joy of being in the great outdoors!)




I thought I was the only one that planned to scroll something only to find the day gone and with nothing cut. All because of searching great sites like these for info or something really cool to cut!! As a former mentor once taught me..."don't get paralysis by analysis, research a little, make a choice, get it done, learn from your mistakes, and enjoy the accomplishment". This is one of my resolution for the year, the second part is cutting enough to try and sell something........ but I'm still researching what to sell.





I would bet most scrollers get stuck in that loop...LOL. I'm guessing we probably have a stack of patterns a foot thick and keep printing more out every day! I know for a fact that I read and research scrolling MUCH more than I actually scroll! :oops: I can't help it.


Are you going to try the craft show circuit? I know several scrollers that had some pretty good luck with Etsy.com. I've always wanted to try my hand at selling some of my work. But I think I'll have to wait until life slows down a bit.


BTW...I really like your avatar.


I usually Print 2 Copies of Each pattern, one for my 1" Poly Binder for my "Pattern" Book, and one to Cut, If I find something in a Wood Mag or Scroll mag that has a pattern, I do the same, I scan and print or Copy 2 copies, then put 1 in my book.


Right now I have more Christmas patterns then anything else in my Book...

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